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Nia wrote: I started this on 12/15/24, I've been seeing the number 8 and 11 alot along with numbers that add up to those. With a few adjustments I had to make here and there, I'm really believing this will work, especially because I had visions of what I'm asking for happening. I'm super excited to see what is going to happen soon! Posted: Jun/2 niru wrote: guysss this really works!!!I've wished thrice here,and it all came trueee Posted: Dec/3 Jarell Chery wrote: I keep seeing 8 like 8:11 8:48 and 8:58 Posted: Dec/2 Jarell Chery wrote: i may have saw a few visions maybe im not sure Posted: Jul/23 anon wrote: a wish i had made in the past, came true four days ago! this website has always granted my wishes. doesn't matter how long it's been. once you let go and forget, your wish WILL come true. thank you real-wishes! Posted: Dec/28 anonymous wrote: i cannot say what my wish was, but it came true. literally 3 weeks after i initially made my wish. i am so happy! thank you real-wishes!! Posted: Dec/13 Leila Nambinga wrote: My wish came true I have a 32 gb memory card. Posted: Nov/6 Leila Nambinga wrote: This website is awesome! Posted: Jun/12 bali wrote: thank you real wishes for granting my wish. i had wished for something to happen soon , i followed the steps and it came true on 11th day right aftet i had made the wish. what a coincidence. i want to thank this page and would like to tell you all to believe in your wish no matter what. have a great day Posted: Mar/28 Tanae wrote: my wish did not WORK Posted: Mar/18 may wrote: question do you guys have a fix now tha tflash player is gone? Posted: Feb/16 Miles wrote: now it says my wish is coming true but it may not work Posted: Feb/12 Miles wrote: My wish didn't come true, I believe, I came to this site lots of times, I went at 11:00 it didn't work, MY WISH DOESN't WORK, I believed. P.S. This site is fake. Absoulutly Posted: Feb/8 Keagan wrote: i wish i was female april 19 and when im fully grown women i will turn into a bimbo forever and i will turn into a female tommorow and my family and friends will never remember im a bou instead im female and my friend treat me like a girl and my body starts to change and my mind will forget Posted: Feb/2 Ay wrote: My wish didn't fully come true yet, but I wished for all my grades to be good, and today my teacher emiled me with my grades for math assignments and they were all good grades!! Yayy, I******at math!! Thank you!! I'll keep believing!! Posted: Jan/28 Amiyah wrote: My wish hasn't come true yet, I'm still doing the eight tasks, I have 5 days left, I'm super hoping my wish comes true, I've read so many things were people say there wish came true, and my wish is a big one hope it works wish: http://www.real-wishes.com. <a href="http://www.real-wishes.com" title="wish" name="wish"><img src="http://www.real-wishes.com/images/wish-3.jpg" alt="wish" title="wish" /><br>wish</a> seems legit! Posted: Jan/9 SRD wrote: what is the donation link for keeping this Amazing site going and bringing more power to my wish? Posted: Jan/6 khal wrote: this is not a fake website and it does grant wishes. i know i am living proof. some wishes come true in a matter of days and some years, it depends. Posted: Jan/4 Real person wrote: THIS IS A FAKE WEBSITE DONT TRUST IT IT WONT GRANT YOUR WISHES Posted: Jan/4 blahblah wrote: idk Posted: Jan/1 alex wrote: ms anon i download lightspark and it works. Posted: Dec/22 Selina Wong wrote: I've been told that my wish will come true. But I'm still waiting for that moment. Posted: Dec/8 mil wrote: I pray that this works. I will update you guys when it does happen. Posted: Nov/11 Rob wrote: So one of my wishes came true so now im going to see weather or not my other wish will come true. Posted: Nov/5 Cutie wrote: I wished for my exam to get postponed and it came true and I passed them too! tysm Real-wishes Posted: Nov/2 spookygirl wrote: I made a wish on here at the beginning of the year and it seemed to work. I wished for my lover to unblock me and he did. It happened like a few months after I made the wish though Posted: Oct/31 Someone wrote: I wrote the same wish bunch of times of times which resulted in a bunch of unfinished wish pages because I messed up on all of them but when now it says I have 9 wishes left, is this bad? Posted: Oct/20 Diamond wrote: I made a wish last night, and today it came true. Thank you so much. Posted: Oct/19 Timothy wrote: i saw 1111 on a van today, i feel like that's a sign because today was an important day. is this a sign? Posted: Oct/19 Anon wrote: I made two wishes a while ago, followed the instructions without fail, and neither of them has come true yet. I think it's been almost a year at this point. Guess this site can't work for everyone. Posted: Oct/17 khaleelah wrote: can someone wish for more wishes and for this site to never end. Posted: Oct/15 k wrote: Every single wish I've ever made on here has come true, and I've just made another one! Thank you so much for all that you do! Posted: Sep/30 Rene wrote: My wish did not come true yet but i lost the paper and dont know what to do Posted: Sep/28 shawn wrote: my wish came true in under an hour no way this site is real thank you Posted: Sep/19 J. wrote: A few years ago, I made a wish on this site, and it consumed my entire being. A week later, I found that it was slowly coming true. I never got around to showing my thanks for that, so thank you very very much! It was enough for a toxic person to leave my life forever. Posted: Sep/9 april wrote: omg this works omg omg omg!!!!! Posted: Aug/26 and wrote: all real wish like tavel to dream world and braen tomer and is fen move and all doll and is i make a wish . com Posted: Aug/26 heather wrote: light on and off Posted: Aug/18 oopsie wrote: @alex okay so like for example, my wish is that "I wish I was an astronaut" so I do my 8 days and then I mess up! so I write "I wish to be an astronaut" and then do the 8 days. Which is basically doing the ritual twice for the same wish. Has anybody dont that before and their wish came true? Posted: Aug/15 cc wrote: so like umm my wish came true me and this person reconciled and are going forward together but it didnt come true how i thought it would but im still greatful my wish came true dont give up believe in this site Posted: Aug/12 Master wrote: I just made my wish about getting accepted to live on campus because it is limited and it just came true within a few hours Posted: Aug/6 Trisha wrote: i went to sleep last night and i had a dream that i was dating my crush and that i was with him and his family. Posted: Jul/29 ciearra wrote: Hey, so i have a question, instead of going outside for 2 minutes to aim my paper up to the sky. Can i open my window and aim my paper out my window instead??? Posted: Jul/25 Em B wrote: So, I have made a wish on here before, and it worked! But, it was a wish about getting back with my ex. I want to make another, but I think it is impossible. By that I mean, it would go against the logic of our reality, almost like magic. Has anyone made a wish like that that came true? Or when it says "no wish is too extreme", does that mean just in regard to our world and how it works? Posted: Jul/25 anonymous wrote: had this dream last night that its related to my wish. i thought it was real at first. Posted: Jul/16 READ THIS GUYS! wrote: OK GUYS LISTEN UP, I KNOW YOU ARE ALL WORRIED ABOUT WHATS GONNA HAPPEN WHEN FLASH DISABLES AND YEAH ITS TRUE WE WONT BE ABLE TO USE THIS SITE ANYMORE BUT I FOUND A SOLUTION, DOWNLOAD THIS SOFTWARE CALLED LIGHTSPARK AND IT PLAYS MOST FLASH CONTENT. I THINK IT WORKS CAUSE BEFORE I USED IT, GOOGLE CHROME WOULD ASK ME IF I WANTED TO ENABLE FLASH EVERYTIME I WENT ON MY WISH PAGE BUT NOW MY WISH PAGE SHOWS AUTOMATICALLY. BUT I THINK THE SITE OWNERS SHOULD STILL UPDATE THIS WEBSITE BECAUSE WE ALL NEED IT FOR EMERGENCIES AND THINGS WE WANT Posted: Jul/12 sophia wrote: THIS ACTUALLY WORKED FOR ME WTF!!! Posted: Jul/7 laura wrote: Ok omg. I made my wish this morning. Briefly, I kinda have a crush on 2 guys who seem interested in me and my wish was to find love with one of them since they're both a great fit for me in my opinion. Since I made a wish to get in a program in april and ended up getting in, I'm trying this again. NOW THE JUICY STUFF: I was semi stalking guy #1 and saw his birthday was on JUNE MF 8 (EIGHT) AND THEN i remembered that guy #2 also had his birthday in the beginning of june. THEN I REALIZE HIS BDAY IS ALSO ON JUNE 8. This is some supernatural sh*t. My wish better come true Posted: Jul/6 Someone wrote: It kinda sucks I had to wait til summer to make my wish due to the fact I had difficulty making it in winter, oh well. Posted: Jun/30 wrote: I Just Saw A Shoting Star In My peripherals Right Now This Is Definitely A Sign Posted: Jun/29 Jeannee wrote: I still keeping seeing 8 and 11!! Posted: Jun/27 Zachary To Lily wrote: Yes You Need To start Over If You Didnt Visit You Wish Page The Next Day Posted: Jun/27 Zachary To Lily wrote: Yes You Need To Start Over If You didnt Vist Your Wish age The Next Day Posted: Jun/27 Lily wrote: hey I forgot to visit one day do i start over? Posted: Jun/26 Jeannee wrote: I keep seeing 8 and 11! Posted: Jun/22 Jeannee wrote: I keep seeing 8 and 11 everywhere. Posted: Jun/18 Zachary wrote: am i expericeneing a vision on my computer its says (111) is this a sign ? Posted: Jun/18 wrote: am i expericeneing a vision on my computer its says (111) is this a sign ? Posted: Jun/15 I like this site wrote: Third day and I keep seeing 11:11 on youtube, on facebook memes, screenshots, at real time, I smile every time ! Posted: Jun/13 Ash wrote: Yes, my wish came true! I wished for a true love, and then, my actual husband, enter in my life!! I'm so happy about it. PD: My wish came true several years ago, but I forgot about this! So, I came back to be grateful for our love. Posted: Jun/11 Jeannee wrote: When I first looked at my phone in this morning while I was out, it was 8:08. Looking at the clock again, it's 8:38. I think it means something. Posted: Jun/8 Mel wrote: I made a couple wishes in the past and most of them came true :) Posted: Jun/4 alex wrote: ps ms anon one of my wishes just came true. Posted: Jun/4 WHY NUMBER OF WISHES NOT GOING DOWN wrote: WHAT IF THE NUMBER OF WISHES BECOMES 0, IS 90% of success is just showing up 90% CLOSE TO COMING TRUE Posted: Jun/3 alex wrote: ms anon one of my wishes came true. Posted: Jun/3 WHY NUMBER OF WISHES NOT GOING DOWN wrote: WHAT IF THE NUMBER OF WISHES BECOMES 0, IS 90% of success is just showing up 90% CLOSE TO COMING TRUE Posted: May/26 Michaela wrote: A vision. I saw one. In my dream. It interupted my dream! I belive this! Posted: May/25 Michaela wrote: Every once in while I look at the clock and...It's looks something like this "9:11". I'm trying this! My favorite #is 8!!! I will tell you if it works! Posted: May/21 Talon wrote: I made a wish to get a Blaze of Destruction Structure deck from Yugioh, and 3 days later, my mom orders one for me on Amazon, and it was only $29.99+free shipping! Thanks, Real-Wishes.com!!! Posted: May/20 Zachary wrote: I Asked My Mom How Old This Site Was Wich I Asked Here If It Was 8 Years Old And She Said Its 11 Years Old It Got To Be A Sign Was It 11:11 Years Posted: May/19 fake website wrote: why wont you help me? Posted: May/18 Jeannee wrote: When I looked at the time recently, it was 11:38. Could it be...? Posted: May/17 Jeannee wrote: I made a couple of wishes and when I looked at my clock, it was 8 minutes to 11. A sign? Posted: May/15 anon_dude wrote: also for everone saying, "im seeing 666" or i wished for me and my friends to have something good happed and now we arent friends, or my favorite one that some persons skylight fell and broke, thats purly coincidental this site is meant for good. Posted: May/15 anon_dude wrote: i think that stuff is going to work its basic law of attraction / manifestation so if you manifest your wish and truly beilive it will come true it will if you doubt it and dont really think it will work it wont you have to have the mindset of this will work and dont doubt it for a second! Posted: May/14 Lays wrote: could someone please tell me if this is real im really curious and i want to try this and are there any side effects? Posted: May/3 WTF wrote: THE HELL IS THIS SITE!! I MADE A RIDICULOUS WISH JUST TO PROVE A POINT TO MY DAUGHTER THIS WHOLE THING IS NONSENSE. AND IT CAME TRUE?!?!?! I WISHED FOR SWARM OF KILLER BEE AND 8 DAY AFTER I GET NEWS ON MURDER HORNET?!?!? THEY ARE FROM ASIA HOW DID THEY GET HERE?!?!? Posted: May/2 Jasmin Castillo wrote: I made 2 wishes like a month or 2 months ago and none of them came true. I did everything they asked me to do but still didn't work. I want to try again but Im not sure if it's going to come true. I really believe in this website and I know it can help me. Posted: Apr/30 Jan wrote: Okay, so.. update. My wish hasn't come true yet but I'm getting scared because I don't see angel numbers anymore I keep seeing 666 and I donn't know what to do.. I was joking around with my friend and saying the devil is my friend, I'm not scared of the devil and this thing is scaring the crap out of me. Is there some way I can reverse this?! D: Posted: Apr/29 Jan wrote: I'm a little upset because I wished for something to good to happen with me and my best friend.. (I don't want to specify)..and sadly I lost contact with my friend, like.. she cut me off completely (it wasn't her choice btw) I can no longer talk to her or see her and we were so close.. I'm dissapointed because everyone's wishes came true- or will come true but then apparently I'm cursed. The exact opposite came to me and I lost my best friend forever, and all our hard work. I don't know what to do now.. I'm tempted to give up on my wish and not do anything. Besides, I'm already posting it now so I might as well. <3 :(( Posted: Apr/28 alex wrote: i just started this tonight and at 11:46 outside my room my glass doom around the celling light in the hallway fell on the ground. everyone was sleeping and nobody was near it. is this a good or bad sign. Posted: Apr/27 Asha wrote: Oh my gosh! I waited for 8 whole days and my wish came true! Posted: Apr/26 kha wrote: you-shouldn't-have-to-start-over-with-the-number-8-if-you-left-it- for-40mintues. Posted: Apr/25 Asha wrote: OMG! I waited for 8 days and my wish came true thanks so much! Posted: Apr/24 Smarlyn wrote: i accidently left my Paper (with the number 8) in the car for 40 minutes.Do I have to start over??? Posted: Apr/24 Ms.anon wrote: well, i think you dont need do much pshycial action to your wish but you just need to planning ahead and you just need to try imagine what you wish would come out if it's coming true. It's like planning goals for the weekends. Posted: Apr/23 alex wrote: ms anon when you mean think about my wish daily do you mean think about it starting on day 1 cause if i don't do i need to restart? Posted: Apr/23 Ms.anon wrote: for the interaction with your wish question, i think it is mostly works with the actions that is related to your wish since sometimes that action that is unrelated acts to it works with others as well. So i guess you can try it in both ways. With Visualize thing, you would just think it like achieve your goals or something like that. Honeslty, I think some of these steps are very vague and i dont get it often yet the site works with me alot since 2013-2015. Posted: Apr/19 Ava wrote: My wish didn't come cpletely true yet, but I had a vision with my crush and me walking in the park and feeling close and kissing and then it felt real Posted: Apr/16 Saniyah wrote: Me and Jaida Ferris will Start having a healthy relationdhip with noone hating us because of our good relationship. And she sends me nudes of herself on snapchat. Then Kota Lovette is my brother after all and he comes to live with me and he will be super nice to me and cook for me and the rest of my family. Me and jaida will kiss for the first time and enjoy it. Right after the 8 days I get an Iphone XS max with a case that has a collage of sunflower pictures on it with Airpods with a matching case and Jaida will move in with me and my parents won't care and leave me and her alone. Posted: Apr/15 wrote: Posted: Apr/11 Valerie wrote: It really works I wished for my diploma within a month and I got it earlier. I graduated 6 months earlier than my classmates. Posted: Apr/9 Mayelin wrote: I made a wish but it hasnt came true yet, I hope I didn't do anything wrong for it not to come true... Posted: Apr/6 this is a question wrote: my wish is kind of long so sometimes i will have repeated it like 6 times and it will be 11:12. I continue repeating it until i get to 8 times though. Will this affect my wish badly? Posted: Apr/3 Rattttt wrote: I just finished a game of snake and my score was 11. Is this a sign???? Posted: Mar/31 matt wrote: my uncle is really sick and so young and i want him to feel better i hope it works Posted: Mar/31 Hyun wrote: It really worked! I'm so happy that now I can talk with my friends, thank you so much! Posted: Mar/28 lala wrote: i tried this i am a hoping it is going to work Posted: Mar/28 hola wrote: well my mom wont let me go out for 30 seconds she says it's to cold so do i have to start all over again :-( Posted: Mar/24 Julia~ wrote: A few years ago when I was 7 years old, my mom took me to this site just for fun. I wished for a little brother and it came true. ;) Pretty cool beans. He's 4 now, uwu. I haven't tried this in a while. I'm gonna wish for a little sister now. I wonder if it'll come true? ;0 Spookyyy Posted: Mar/23 khaleelah wrote: if-you-loose-your-number-8-than-you-start-all-over-again. Posted: Mar/22 bruno wrote: what happens if i lose my number 8 paper? should i start over again? or get a new piece of paper Posted: Mar/20 The Rock wrote: This website is a FAKE!! I caught my daughter on it a few days ago and come on guys you really think this is real? Posted: Mar/20 fix it wrote: Anonymous if thats true then you have to reverse it people are dying!!!!! make a wish thats the oppsite of it like the rise and good of the world Posted: Mar/18 Anonymous wrote: I thinked i mess this up pretty bad. During the beginning of december, i joked around and wish for a plague and downfall of the world as a joke. I think this is actually happening. Posted: Mar/15 emma wrote: listen, my aunt threw out my paper that had the number 8 on it. Im really sorry. Posted: Mar/14 Kiki wrote: Its only been a couple of hours since i put my wish into this site and i havent been in my room for about 2 or so hours and i walked into my room and it it freezing and it never gets cold in my room. But the minute i walk into my room i see my uncle , who passed a away march 5th 2019, sitting on my bed and he told me, " I promise someone will like you" And dissapeared. Is it a sign? Posted: Mar/10 Noah wrote: my wish hasnt come true yet but its been only 3 days and its a huge wish tbh. but the ball is rolling. someone famous i reached out too has gotten back to me and huge people tiktok have started following me back recently out of nowhere :) @inoahguy the wish was for 50k Posted: Mar/10 Jocelyn wrote: So everytime I try to make a wish it brings me to another random site and i can't make any wishes. Other than that the one other wish i made has come true. Posted: Mar/10 Jean wrote: Im still doing it wish me luck! Posted: Mar/9 oda wrote: my wish came true! Posted: Mar/9 trisha wrote: ok so I lost my camera a few days ago and I got stressed but the second I pressed "submit wish" I got an email from my teacher saying that she had found it which was strange because I thought it took 8 days but I'm so grateful. ik it just might be a coincidence but this site works!!! Posted: Mar/7 Ava wrote: Hello! I am not messaging you about a story or vision, but I need to ask you a question about the requirements. Will my wish still come true if I do not hold it up to the moonlight? I am unable to go outside of my house and cannot expose my paper to it. I am doing all the other steps. Please get back to me! Thank you! Posted: Mar/7 Dylan wrote: Can I do more than 1 wish at the same time? If so, do i have to keep 2 8's? Posted: Mar/7 Joanna wrote: Is it possible to make two wishes in one day and both of them coming true?Can they coexist? Posted: Mar/6 amelia wrote: i want keegan to like me back. i also want to be ungrounded. Posted: Mar/5 Anon wrote: OH MY GOD!! I just beat a video game and it said my clear time was 8:11!!!!!! THAT'S GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!!!!!! Posted: Mar/5 Mindy wrote: my wish still hasnt came true but today is day 8 so im letting go and hoping that it will come to me like the last step said but if not guess it just wasnt meant to be :( Posted: Mar/3 Tammy wrote: Recast wish pertaing to neighbor keeping fenxe off property. Fence still up !!!!! Posted: Mar/2 anon wrote: I saw an owl perched on top of a telegraph pole tonight near my house is this a sign? Posted: Feb/25 Hennanina wrote: After I did my spell, it said: 90 percent of sucess is just showing up. It works. Posted: Feb/5 Umm wrote: My horoscope said "Today will be a productive day and you will enjoy the activity." and something strange happened at my school, Is this a sign? Posted: Feb/3 Umm wrote: The thing Ms.Anon said isn't working anymore, I really need to make a wish, please fix it. Posted: Jan/29 Alona wrote: I just started I'm soooooo scareddd!Help!! Posted: Jan/29 celia wrote: i dont know what im doing is this real or not? Posted: Jan/24 jamie wrote: i accidentally keep thinking about my wish every once in a while. Do I have to start over? Posted: Jan/23 Ms.anon wrote: @Alissa the solution is opening your bookmark in vpn and restart the browser because it can break the loops. Then for godaddy firewall block problem, try to open it in vpn while visiting your wish page in private tab. I'd recommend switch to opera browser for making your wish page because it got free vpn to break the endless loop for your wish page to continue countdown normally after refresh in vpn then restart the broswer. Posted: Jan/14 wrote: question 1: is 90% of success is just showing up 90% close to coming true;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; question 2: what happens if it runs out of wishes Posted: Jan/13 wrote: question 1: is 90% of success is just showing up 90% close to coming true question 2: what happens if it runs out of wishes Posted: Jan/12 ryan wrote: someone interrupted my mirror time for 11:11, but I quickly did the step at 11:12, do I have to remake my wish, I really hope I don't. Posted: Jan/12 wrote: WHEN I WENT TO CHECK MY WISH PAGE YESTERDAY IT TOLD ME, "90 percent of success is just showing up", AND THEN I CHECKED MY HOROSCOPE AND THEN IT SAID, "What you desire is within reach" Posted: Jan/12 Ms.anon wrote: Reminder: For those whose having problems with their wishes being stuck in loops or being blocked by godaddy firewall, the solution is opening your bookmark in vpn and restart the browser because it can break the loops. Then for godaddy firewall block problem, try to open it in vpn while visiting your wish page in private tab. I'd still recommend switch to opera browser because it got free vpn to break the endless loop for your wish page to continue countdown normally after refresh in vpn. Posted: Dec/28 kay wrote: Hey , troy how did you make your wish come true please tell me or help me ive been using this site off and on for years and have had no luck Posted: Dec/27 Troy wrote: my wish came true,i am so grateful. forever in your debt Posted: Dec/24 . wrote: . Posted: Dec/20 Mandi wrote: I think I ended up having a vision about my wish coming true shortly before going to sleep last night. I'm scared and excited at the same time. :D Posted: Dec/20 Laura wrote: yes my wish came true Posted: Dec/9 tri wrote: can anyone give me some blogs, forums and community websites to send the code? PLEASE answer this. Posted: Dec/8 Anonomous wrote: I missed 11:11 one night. To improvise I went by a reverse daylight saving time scale and did it at what would be 11:11 in this scale (12:11 in eatern standerd). It will still work right? Posted: Dec/8 Ms.anon wrote: for those who need know to how react to their wishes, here is the link of the steps to come true: https://www.real-wishes.com/wish/8_ways.php Also here the tip: if you can't go outside in nighttime, you can tape the small paper of number eight on your window so it can be direct to the moon as it can get power of 8 from the moon ever night. Posted: Dec/8 Ms.Anon wrote: This site countdown is only 12 left because it is still slowly undergoing of updating to refreshing back to 8,888 left. I'd encourage everyone to share the link of this wesbite to social media like twitter, newgrounds, facebook, or other social media platform to making the countdown faster. Posted: Dec/6 Ms.Anon wrote: For those whose having problems with their wishes being stuck in loops or being blocked by godaddy firewall, the solution is opening your bookmark in vpn and restart the browser because it can break the loops. Then for godaddy firewall block problem, try to open it in vpn while visiting your wish page in private tab. Then restart your wish page twice in vpn then it will be no longer blocked by it. the best suggestion is using opera broswer because it got free vpn incase if you're dealing with pesky godaddy firewall access denied issues while making a wish. Posted: Nov/30 Sierra wrote: I just made my wish but I have been following this site for years. I have one burning question... It's only at 12 wishes now. What happens when it the site runs out of wishes? Posted: Nov/24 L wrote: won't change day keeps asking if it came true HELP Posted: Nov/23 Valerie wrote: Hello to the powers that be, I've completed the 8 days for a while now, and am having trougble letting go. Can you please send me what I have to do to get my wish? I get too into my head sometimes, and I really want what I wished for. Thank you, Valerie Posted: Nov/17 a wrote: it works. Posted: Nov/5 a wrote: i hope this works ive heard it maight happen in 2 day so im excited i wished for a pet Posted: Nov/5 shyshy123 wrote: my wish yet to come true, but i haven't given up so i'll keep praying and hoping for the best Posted: Nov/4 Richard wrote: its only been 3 days and my wish page says 5 days left and asks if my wish has come true yet but will not allow me to process my answer and usually my wish would be at the bottom of the page but I don't see it. Tried refreshing and checking my flash player but nothing is working. I will try tomorrow during the day to view the page again and hopefully be able to submit my answer which is "No" cause I still have time according to my wish and didn't expect it to happen right away. Posted: Nov/4 ant.E wrote: made a wish a couple weeks ago to have more good luck happen to me often. gave my uncle a ride to the store thts exacty 5 minutes away. he gave me 10 dollars which is a lot jus for a ride somehwere thats litterally 5 minutes away. walked over to the local gas station looked on the ground and there was 10 doallrs (two 5 dollar bills just sitting there as if it was meant for me to have. so i pretty much got 20 dollars i know it was because of this website.im a beliver coud be coincidence but im leaning towards the fact that this website was the one that made it happen. no capp Posted: Nov/4 mysterious magic wrote: omg i wished to be famous on youtube for magic videos and it came true omg heres the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCgMZpw5G-Sfxva9or3Teaw/featured? view_as=subscriber Posted: Oct/30 Shelby Spencer wrote: OMG OMG OMG it worked the guy that I ended up losing due to a lie his cousin told ended up getting back with me today because not only did he find out the truth but was like "I love you and by the way you're my girlfriend end of story" and for a minute I was like wait what then I realized what had happened and I am soooo happy thank you Xara!!! Posted: Oct/25 jeus enrrique hernandez alcubilla wrote: naci el 25 12 1983 maracay venezuela m deseo es belleza sabiduria vitalidad entrego mi alma para que dentro de 15 años satan busque mi alma Posted: Oct/22 Abdullah wrote: I made two wishes and they came true.omg it works! Posted: Oct/16 HC wrote: Thank You SO MUCH. Yesterday I lost an important Thing of mine. So, I wished That I find it. And Yeah Today I got It Back <3 Posted: Oct/14 K.A wrote: jesse-you-are-nasty-shut-up. Posted: Oct/14 Jesse wrote: i wish i **** my cousin Posted: Oct/11 LonelyGirlNotSoLonely! wrote: I've been following the steps until last moment I gave up and didn't try, but today I recieved a text from a guy, we started talking and we have mutual feelings about each other!!! I can't thank this website enough!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! Posted: Oct/9 LonelyGirl wrote: I made my wish but I feel like its not going to come true because no one likes me... ;-; Posted: Oct/5 Emilia wrote: Im on day one and i havent experience anything weird, although i did notice the 11:11 this night. Posted: Sep/27 Emily wrote: For everyone out there thinking its a scam, here me out: I was severely depressed after my ex girlfriend broke up with me, it ended really badly. I walked around for weeks not knowing what to do. I decided to try this website, at first just because I had tried everything else. After a few days I started noticing little weird signs, like my flight suddenly being delayed until 8 and changed to gate 11. Then on the 6th day, I got a text from my ex, who then called me apologizing and saying how much she missed me, and now we are back together. It really works, I don't know how Posted: Sep/25 cecilia wrote: i want my ex back Posted: Sep/21 Randy wrote: I kept checking in the wish page for 8 straight days in hopes my wish will come true. I hoped by the end of the eighth day, my friend, to whom I love will come back to me, but it do not come true. I will keep believing that my wish will come true and I will see my friend again. Posted: Sep/20 Emily wrote: Please help, the wish page won't let me go past day 5. When I try to click "no", it won't click. Every time I refresh the page, it starts over going down from 6 to 5. Should I just keep going and check again tomorrow? Posted: Sep/19 Trinity wrote: My wish didn't come true yet cuase i just wished it but i am hopeing it works... Posted: Sep/18 some wrote: i just want my ex to love me again and be with me Posted: Sep/9 John wrote: my wish came true thank you Posted: Sep/5 miguel angel apaza quispe wrote: no funciono Posted: Sep/5 Creepe wrote: I wish i was Kamyk Walker i need to wait 7 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Sep/4 the person who made a wish on 4th of september 2019 AD wrote: difference between wish being granted and wish coming true Posted: Aug/30 Samuel wrote: I made some wishes here but I didn't read the instructions like write number 8 and all, Should I start afresh Posted: Aug/28 Hi wrote: This******the website is not working not sure what is going on Posted: Aug/26 Scott wrote: I'm very impressed. This works. My wish came true. Thank you. Posted: Aug/21 khaleelah wrote: my wish came true my sister got her benefits! Posted: Aug/19 abby wrote: It works! Posted: Aug/14 Leila Nambinga wrote: Yay my wish came true! I wished that this testimonial page would work again few months ago! yay, I missed reading new testimonials. Posted: Aug/13 yaya wrote: My wish came true! My wish came ture thank you! Posted: Aug/2 Emily wrote: My wish came true, wasn't expecting that. Going to have to try it again. Posted: Jul/29 amy wrote: my wish came true thank you Posted: Mar/29 K wrote: My son is going to a good private school I really like. Unfortunately, it was too expensive and the school was about to ask me to take him out. I did't have any money to keep him in and I wished for him to be able to go there. After a couple of weeks my wish came true! Someone contacted me and reminded me that I have some stock I forgot about. I thought the company was worthless anyway but one of a sudden it was doinng better. I sold those shares and paid for my son's school. Posted: Mar/17 Dusty wrote: OMG! I really think my wish is coming true this time! My wish is a bit more complex then just getting something though, so yeah. But my wish is actually happening i am so excited. :D Posted: Mar/17 Whoever wrote: RIGHT at 11:11, when I was in front of the mirror, all my dogs started barking, is this a sign? Posted: Mar/11 Celestial wrote: I lost my number 8 on the second day . I swear it just magically disappeared. I have looked for it everywhere since then but never found it. Should I start over? or continue withouth the paper? Posted: Mar/10 Chloe wrote: After I did the last task to let go of your wish, I did that and I felt dizzy and almost passed out.....is that a sign?? And while I was making the wish, whenever I touched the 8 paper I had, I got dizzy EVERY time I touched it. It was weird. Posted: Mar/7 jULIE wrote: I AM SO HAPPY !!! MY WISH CAME TRUE I LOVE THIS WEBSITE I LOVE YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH !! Posted: Mar/7 Confused wrote: How should i start my wish off because i don't know how to start it, should i say i wish at the beginning or can i just say my wish and will it still work if i don't put i wish before my wish. Posted: Mar/2 sad wrote: I hate seeing everyone's wishes coming true while mine never do. Posted: Mar/2 Jackie wrote: My wishes are coming True. This really works! Thank you!!!!!!! Posted: Mar/2 Happy emo girl wrote: Okay so i was very sad that i couldd't really find anyone that's my type. So a few days ago i came on here to make the wish i wanted. I wanted to meet a cute, single, tall emo bo at Hot Topic and we fell in love with each other. Later that day i sighed up for a website to meet other emos and secne kids. While looking through the profiles i clicked on someone who was very cute, tall, and single ad he lived 20 minutes away from me! I texted him and he replied and we started talking aa lot. He told me he likes me and i like him too. I didn't even get to do the 11:11 or mirroe thing. Was it luck or did real-wishes did it? I believe real-wishes did it. THANK YOU!! Posted: Feb/18 wrote: three of mine came true i cant thank you enough just gotta belive i had the most amazing experience that i will never forget ! Posted: Feb/15 SR wrote: My wish came true.....And am really grateful! Posted: Feb/13 Not telling wrote: So i submitted my wish about 15 miuntes ago. My body is feeling funny. So i went to my room and turned on my laptop a 11:10am and it was booting up but when i looked at my phone and i saw it was 11:11am my laptop started acting funny and cut off out of no where. Then when it was 11:12am my comouter came back on....so weird! Posted: Feb/13 Jeannee wrote: I wish for my family to win MILLIONS in the lottery. When I unfolded my paper, it was in eights. When I logged on, it was 11:26. 11, 2+6=8 When I went to real-wishes.com, it was 11:38 11, 3+8=11 Could it be? My wish coming true? Posted: Feb/6 sarah wrote: I just started it Im soo excited Posted: Feb/4 jb wrote: i am just curious if anyone wished for a bigger 88888 and the wish came true ? Posted: Feb/4 larry wrote: one of my wishes came true , i wanted to see my girlfriend soo bad and after 8 months she finally called me and we met , Posted: Jan/28 Sorry wrote: I made my wish a day ago and I am seeing 8888 and 1111 often and everywhere. I can feel my wish is coming true. Posted: Jan/27 kashaf wrote: mom and all of u i have started today i have 2 wishes Posted: Jan/24 Kenzi wrote: OMG I SEE SO MANY 8888's EVERYWHERE THIS MUST BE A SIGN I BELIEVE NO MATER WHAT PEOPLE THINK I BELIEVE IN ALL MY HEART XXXXX Posted: Jan/23 Some girl in the world wrote: Hey, if your 8 paper gets wet and the 8 gets smudged a bit, but doesn't rip, should you start over? Posted: Jan/22 Luke wrote: Blow me down. I made a wish, and soon it looked like it would've been impossible. Next morning--BAMSKI! Wish came true. 8/8. Gr8 job, m8s! Posted: Jan/22 T.F. Mast wrote: i wished for my YouTube channel to reach 100,000 subscribers it hasn't happened yet but i'm seeing 8's and 11's everywhere i think its a sign Posted: Jan/21 8888Thank You So Much8888 wrote: My wish came true! The only thing is that the "24 Hours Passed Between A Visit" page came up on my wish page... After then, I let go of that wish, and boom! It came true; regardless if my wish page said that there wasn't a chance of my wish coming true! Thank you, 'Mysterious Forces' !! MAY LOVE AND LIGHT BE WITH YOU! Posted: Jan/17 xoxo wrote: I just realized mistake in my wish but it was similar to my last wish that I made . Would I have to start over ? The wish I made . Posted: Jan/16 Jennifer wrote: OMG...This has to be a sign, I looked at the clock, on my phone and it was 11:53 which 5+3=8 Posted: Jan/15 Anon wrote: I wished for my boyfriend and I to eventually be blessed with a baby girl, he ended up knocking up his ex and had a baby girl with her. This site is a complete sham!! Lol I was dumb enough to believe for a little while there Posted: Jan/14 Jennifer wrote: Today I looked at my clock and it said 6:35 which 6+5=11 then 11-3=8 is this a sign? Posted: Jan/14 masup wrote: my wish is coming true Posted: Jan/13 Mya wrote: OMG today in math class my teacher gave me my username for a math site and in it it had the numbers 6 4 and 2 and then i aded them 6+4-2=8 THATS GOTTA BE A SIGN!! Posted: Jan/12 sarah wrote: i keep seeing 8's and 11's everywhere. and im always looking at my phone and everytime i do, i can add my battery % up to equal 8 or 11 (56%) 5+6=11 or i can add up the time (11:45) 1+1+4+5= 11 as an example. is this a sign? Posted: Jan/12 anon wrote: last night when i put my 8 in the moonlight, the clouds covered the moon quickly. is that a sign? Posted: Jan/12 Anonymous wrote: I looked at my clock and it said 5:40. 40/5 = 8. I this a sign? Posted: Jan/12 Linda wrote: fantastic site! wish came true! Posted: Jan/11 X wrote: So I looked at the clock and it was 13:13 and 1+3+1+3 = 8. Is this a sign? Maybe 13 is a lucky number for me this time :) Posted: Jan/8 To Anna wrote: Yes, it's a sign that your wish is coming true. Posted: Jan/8 Anna wrote: I keep seeing 11's and 8's (especially 11' or 1's) everywhere. And someone called me today at 11:11 AM. Is this a sign? Posted: Jan/4 Buttercup wrote: Haha okay yeah, my wish came true today... :) There we go. It just took a longer time than expected. Thanks Real-Wishes! Posted: Jan/4 unknown wrote: I NEED HELP what happens if I lost the paper with the '8' written on it? Is that a sign? Posted: Jan/4 Jolette wrote: do you care that i have more questions cause i am new to this and i got 8 minutes late to go to the mirror and say my wish 8 times am i still safe or do i have to start over again Posted: Jan/2 To Unknown wrote: Yep. It's a sign. Posted: Jan/2 Unknown wrote: OKay so I just made a wish. And when I looked at my phone, my battery was at 74%. 7+4=11. That a sign? Posted: Jan/2 faith wrote: i dont know how you do it, but i got into the nursing program, thanks so much! i start this month . Posted: Jan/1 ... wrote: To Jolette There are many ways of visiting the same page but the 3 main ways are keeping it on your desktop, keeping it on your main software (Internet Edge, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) or keeping it in your favorites and visiting every hour or two. I would recommend starting your wish over again if you fail it, if you mess up you can make changes in the URL link. In fact that's what I did on some wishes. Posted: Jan/1 To Jolette wrote: If you didn't bookmark your wish page or keep the URL somewhere, you will have to start your wish over. Sorry. Posted: Jan/1 Jolette wrote: how do i visit the same page or do i have to type my wish and start all over again i am so confused Posted: Dec/29 X wrote: I wish to remian Anonymous, but this is the strangest and most wonderful website i have ever encountered. The magic here is real. I asked to meet my soulmate and I found him! He is real, and everything that I asked for. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. THIS IS REAL. Thank you real wishes! Posted: Dec/28 someone wrote: omg i just typed in my wish and while i was reading older comments from other people i started to feel really funny and tingly That's sooooo werid! Posted: Dec/27 Kayla wrote: Mine actually came true. I wished that my parents would give me a new phone for Christmas and it's the exact phone I wanted too :D Posted: Dec/25 Rachel wrote: My wish came true. I wished to get Hamilton tickets in orcestra and I got tickets on Christmas!!! Posted: Dec/22 Oh wrote: my wish came true once. I just know this site did it. have faith everyone :) Posted: Dec/17 jeshmita wrote: the quote says 90% of succes is just showing up which means it is a sign of my wish coming true omg i love this site Posted: Dec/13 sana wrote: My wish came true..Am soooo happy..I wanted someone to be back in my life and it did happen.I thanked this site alot ^_^ Posted: Dec/12 Jeannee wrote: I made a wish to pass all my class this semester. When I left to go get some lunch, it was 11:15. 5+1+1+1=8. When I came back, it was 11:38. 3+8=11. I can feel my wish is starting to tingle in some magic and the power of 8. Posted: Dec/12 xx<3xx wrote: right after i finished my wish on the 8th day yesterday and did all of the steps, my 8 broke in half. Is that a sign? Posted: Dec/7 Jade wrote: Okay, so i just looked at the time its 11:53 11 5+3 =8! is this a sign!?!?!?! Posted: Dec/7 Jade wrote: OMG!!! Guys! this site works 3 years ago i wishes and wished for a ipad and this year i got a ipad and a case! THANK YOU REAL WISHES .COM!!!!!!!! WHOEVER MADE THIS WEB PAGE IS A GENUIS! I COULD OF NEVER GOTTEN MY WISH WITHOUT YOU! Posted: Dec/5 Isabelle wrote: My wish came true but I accidently said no instaid of yes on the 3rd day. I also go to daddy's on fridays. Posted: Dec/1 Unknown wrote: OMG!!! Okay, so today, I felt like non of my friends were really my friends. When I was checking my horoscope for today it said "You are always in the right place even when you feel stranded and lost. You are never lost." I was freaked out. Is this a sign? Posted: Nov/24 Tina_Zim wrote: How comes everyone else's wishes came true and mine never did? Posted: Nov/23 Kyla wrote: I wanted Donald Trump to win the Presidential Election of 2016 and it came true...wow. Posted: Nov/22 bryan wrote: cause 1+2+2+6= 11 is this a sign Posted: Nov/22 bryan wrote: after u say it my time here is 12:26,,,is this a sign Posted: Nov/21 kate wrote: MY WISH CAME TRUE!!! I WISHED TO BE GREAT AT BASKETBALL AND NOW I AM THE BEST ON MY TEAM! THANK YOU SO MUCH REAL-WISHES!! :) Posted: Nov/19 emily wrote: omg!! my wish came true !!! Posted: Nov/18 good vibes wrote: You guys know where they have the quotes on your wish page? I had been on my wish page a few times and it said "90% of success is just showing up". Is that simply a quote or is my wish super close to coming true? Posted: Nov/16 Bats wrote: I've also been seein alot of 8s and 11s. That's a sign, right? Posted: Nov/15 Oniru wrote: When I looked at the time, it was 16:32 (!6:2=8 and 32:4=8)).This is a sign, right? Posted: Nov/13 LOA wrote: I look at the clock right at 11:10... this has to be a sign. This page works. You have to really believe you already have what you want and it will come to you. We moved into a big house, I made my honors choir, and I got a really good job. Stay positive everyone. Posted: Nov/13 Amber wrote: i know this sounds dumb, but. if you make a typo in your wish do you have to start over? Posted: Nov/11 Zach wrote: OMG GYUS, it's 7:35. 5+3=8. THSI HAS TO BE A SIGN Posted: Nov/10 quiryea wrote: I can't believe it! I had really bad back problems and now they're all gone!!! Seriously this site works! Thanks the universe! Posted: Nov/4 Nicholas wrote: My wish came true and I turned into a girl. This is so cool thanks. Posted: Nov/2 Nicholas wrote: My wish came ture and I turned into a girl this is so fun thanks. Posted: Oct/24 Court wrote: My wish came true!, took almost a year but it eventually came around.You just have to be patient and hold that wish tight to you, once you let go the universe some how brings that wish back to you when you least expect it! Posted: Oct/21 faith wrote: My wish came true, i wished i had passed both my lab test, and my lecture exam in micobiology and i did with a 90 and a 82! thanks real wishes(: Posted: Oct/19 anon wrote: since the day i've made my wish i've been seeing 11's and 8's everywhere. is this a sign? Posted: Oct/19 Asia wrote: I saw my clock and it was 10:34, 1+3+4= 8! I think it's a sign. Posted: Oct/19 StarLight wrote: well it havent yet but i have a strong feeling it will work.....i can start feeling the changes already Posted: Oct/15 shinah mae wrote: i didnt star know im gonna start may wish tonight Posted: Oct/14 ... wrote: To Emily chances are, prob. not. This site uses 1111, 8888, or just 8 I personally don't know but that's my opinion on it Posted: Oct/14 emily wrote: I'm wishing for my crush/ex boyfriend to fall in love with me again and when i looked at his latest intstagram pic it had 111 likes is this a sign?? Posted: Oct/14 Courtenay wrote: I just checked my wish page, i'm on the 8th day (so it's the last day), I looked at the top of the page next to where it said ''tweet'' and next it had the ''Facebook'' symbol (blue background ith the white ''f'') and on the far right it said ''58''!!!!! THAT HAS GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!!!!!!! Posted: Oct/10 wrote: WHEN I WENT TO CHECK MY WISH PAGE TODAY IT TOLD ME, "90 percent of success is just showing up", AND THEN I DECIDE TO CHECK MY HOROSCOPE AND THEN IT SAYS, "What you desire is in reach" AND IW AS LIKE OMGGGG IS THIS ACTUALLY COMING TRUE AAAAAAAAAAAAAA IM SO HAPPY AND IM FREAKIN OUT IM SCREAMIN Posted: Oct/6 wrote: Posted: Oct/6 Joyce wrote: My wish came true after a month, I got promotion at work. So real. Thanks a lot, Now I started to wish again and I will tell you soon if its granted.. Posted: Oct/5 Evan wrote: My wish came true we actually did move to a new house! Posted: Oct/2 Alexis wrote: Omg!!! My wish came true!!! My wish was ''I wish I knew how to do every type of math there is instantly on paper and in my head.'' And it really came true. I also really needed this cause math is my worst subjects at school so, I'm sooooo thankful for this, now I pass every test!!! Next I'm going to wish for a cat. Posted: Oct/2 Candi wrote: I am truly thankful to Real wish. My wish came thru within the first week as wished and now I am on to my second wish for the second part of my job search. This site is awesome! I am a true believer now and I am sure I will get the job. Thanks to Real wish!!!!!! Posted: Oct/1 Moni wrote: eyes are on my wish page is this a sign, is my coming true Posted: Oct/1 Amazing!! wrote: Both of my wishes came true right after i made them! i love this site!! Posted: Sep/28 Nova wrote: I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW IT WOULD WORK!! I got my wish, boy did I ever. 21,000 dollars is a lotta money Posted: Sep/25 888 wrote: Right after I made my wish, I watched some Youtube videos and kept seeing 8s in them. Is this a sign???? 88888 Posted: Sep/24 Amelia wrote: I was sleep talking last night at 11:08 pm and was screaming out 3:00, 3:00 and today i keep hearing slight noises and i feel a pressence..........is that a sign? Posted: Sep/24 Monica wrote: yesterday my phone was on 53%. 5 + 3 = 8 is this a sign Posted: Sep/24 ida wrote: My wish came true!!!!!!! I am so happy and grateful Posted: Sep/23 Alex wrote: Anyone who actually tries this should have faith. If you follow the given steps, then this definitely works. Thank you so much to whoever does this! Posted: Sep/23 zahara wrote: it really works. i got into the school i wanted momemts after my wish. they actually called me! thank you so much Posted: Sep/22 Courtenay wrote: I visited my wish page last night and below the eyes a bit, there was a part where it said ''select your astrological sign'' so I selected mine and the message I recieved said ''your patience is about to be rewarded. Be open minded and doors will open''. OMG!!!! THIS HAS GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!!!!! MY WISH MUST BE GETTING GRANTED!!!!! Posted: Sep/22 n wrote: its 5th day today...still my wish isnt coming true...i followed all d instructions...what should i do...i badly need this to come true... Posted: Sep/21 Nisha wrote: My wish came true on the first day itself. I am still doing exercise till I complete my 8 days. Thank you so much! Posted: Sep/19 mia wrote: i've had visions of myself with green and light brown eyes, is this a sign? Posted: Sep/16 kam wrote: the first day i did it i got a vision at night that it is 11:10 and then i scrambled to get my piece of paper with 8 written on it and exactly as the clock showed 11:11 it began reciting my wish in front of the mirror.. Posted: Sep/15 daphuc wrote: do I have to start all over if i say the wrong word when on 11:11 Posted: Sep/12 Molly wrote: After making my wish and following all the intstrctions, I was amazed it came true!! What was even more shocking was that it came true on the 11th. Thank you so much! Posted: Sep/12 Courtenay wrote: Now, I have EYES ON MY WISH PAGE!!!! IS THIS A SIGN AS WELL?!?!?!?! Posted: Sep/5 Luis wrote: I don't know if it came true Posted: Sep/4 HelloWorld wrote: I just watched 2 vids and both of them had 11:11 in them and while playing a castle tycoon on roblox my cash always got stick on 11 is this a sign? Posted: Sep/2 Kevin wrote: My wish was coming true in the first day I started doing the exercise. I know it works, because I stoped doing the exercise (some things came up and I broke the pace) and everything that was building up faded. I just know that once I start it again, everything is gonna come up. Posted: Sep/2 Alli wrote: it works Posted: Sep/1 kait wrote: its the 2nd day and still no results. i been reading all this comments and a lot of peoples wishes been coming true fast. how come mine hasnt? i been following all the directions Posted: Aug/26 HappyGirl wrote: Last night, I made a wish for an extra week of summer break and today it came true. It was extended today Posted: Aug/26 Ss wrote: OMG my wish came true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so impossible but real wishes made it TRUE! i couldnt thank enough for it! THANK YOU SO MUCH REAL WISHES!!!! HAVE FAITH IN THIS WEBSITE IT WILL DEFINITELY HELP YOU!! Posted: Aug/24 Ricky wrote: I have been seeing a lot of 8s, I think that might be a sign. I believe in the power of 8! Posted: Aug/18 wrote: Posted: Aug/18 wrote: Posted: Aug/18 Jeannee wrote: I keep seeing numbers that either add up or subtract to 3, 8 and 11. I woke up at 6:05, which equals 11. When I left the bathroom, it was 6:16, 6+6=12-1=11. I think it's adding more power to my wish. Posted: Aug/17 Jessica wrote: My wish came true! I wished to be in Wind Ensemble at my school, and I got an email from my teacher this morning saying she allows me to be Wind Ensemble Posted: Aug/17 H wrote: It came true Posted: Aug/17 Nimmy wrote: My wish came true on 8th Aug 2016 thank you very much Posted: Aug/17 MJBadMoonwalkerForever wrote: My babysitter texted me at 9:11 is it a sign? Posted: Aug/16 Amy wrote: My dad came home and rang the doorbell at the essact time i looked on my phone and it said 11:38 (3+8=11) could this be a sign? :) Posted: Aug/15 Alexis wrote: I just looked at my clock andd it was 5:51 pm. 5+5+1=11!! Is this a sign? Posted: Aug/12 jason durham wrote: Holy 8888, let me tell you!!! my 8888ing wish regarding something personal came true. There were days that I would overthink about it. And nights where I would lose sleep over it. Additionally, I really didn't follow through the 8 days since it was too late but my wish still came true. Don't think it was a coincidence neither my prayers and wish were granted YEESSS! #8888yeafeelingawesome!!! good luck to everyone else doing the same!!! Posted: Aug/11 Carla wrote: i was reading the other comments and i looked at the date it was the 11/8 and i looked at my watch and it they were both pointing to 11 is that a sign???!!??!?!?! Posted: Aug/8 Chinaza wrote: My wish came true.On the 8th August 2016. Posted: Aug/7 Mel wrote: does seeing 10:32 at the clock then after a few seconds seeing the clock again and it says 10:23 is having a vision??? Posted: Aug/6 jenny wrote: My wish came true. Thank you real-wish for all youe helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Aug/5 Anon wrote: Today I woke up and when I checked me phone it was 8:08am! I also had to get my license duplicated because I lost it and my number to get called was 11! It has to be a sign! Posted: Aug/3 11 wrote: Starting to see 11:11 and number 8 something magic can happen. And yeah thank you again. <3 Eternal love. Posted: Aug/2 Adriana wrote: Yoooo, Right after i bookmarked my page the time said 9:11. is that a sign?? Posted: Jul/29 11:11 wrote: I'v been seing more 11's unlike before, is this a sign? Posted: Jul/28 Aaliyah wrote: My wish was for a really flat stomach and eight days later, it came true. Thank you so much real wishes, you're awesome! Posted: Jul/27 Danica wrote: After I made my wish I saw in the time 4:31PM 4+3+1=8 I think this is a sign Posted: Jul/26 WD wrote: Omg my wish is coming true!! this works!!! thank you sooooooo much!!!!!!! <3 :D Posted: Jul/26 Jess wrote: how far away can you be from your 8 paper because I keep forgeting to take my 8 paper with me to other parts of my apartment will this mess up the spell and do i have to restart? Posted: Jul/24 Anonymous wrote: A few hours after I made my wish I had a vision. I looked at my clock and it said 3:23. 3+3+2=8. I think this is a sign. Posted: Jul/23 WantItGotIt wrote: Just tried http://theimvugenerator.com/ - I got free IMVU credits here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! It rocks!!(7wnD0YJcPV) Posted: Jul/22 ytyg wrote: Just tried http://theimvugenerator.com/ - I got free IMVU credits here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! It rocks!!(7wnD0YJcPV) Posted: Jul/21 wrote: Posted: Jul/21 Amy wrote: i started my wish and i had 2 signs that were the time was 8:30 and my battery charge was on 62%. This is AMAZING!!! they all add up to 8 and 11 :) Posted: Jul/21 Amy wrote: Already i just started and i alredy saw 3 number signs. This is Amazing Posted: Jul/19 Martina wrote: Hace poco lo hice, en principios de marzo paso el tiempo y no se cumplio y yo deje de darle importancia, pero hace unos dias atras mientras por dormirme y yo alumbraba con mi telefono mi habitacion , mire mi celular y estaba en numero de marcacion para llamar y tenia un numero 8, tal vex sea una señal no lo se ahora empece con otro deseo espero tener suerte. Eso es todo. Posted: Jul/18 Juan wrote: I wanna tell you that my wish came true early than i think i belived in this page and yeah plus the sacrificies past done it is great to live a new live and be happy thank u. Eternal gratitude with GOD. Posted: Jul/14 wrote: Posted: Jul/13 reply to maddie wrote: Hi! I dont think you have to start over. Didn"t it give you the option of typing in 8 emails to restore you wish? Posted: Jul/13 Kathy Rose wrote: My wish came true!! This is awesome Posted: Jul/12 Courtenay wrote: It's the 8th day and I have eyes on my wish page!!!!!!! IS THIS A SIGN?!?!??!? Posted: Jul/11 Maddie wrote: It said that my last visit was more than 24 hours ago but I still visited within a one day period so why do I have to start my wish over? This wasn't in the directions so it seems really unfair that I was at day 6 of my wish and now I have to start over Posted: Jul/10 wrote: Posted: Jul/8 Nynaevei wrote: Is there any significance to the number 34? Or seeing the number 12:34 on the clock for years? Posted: Jul/8 wrote: Posted: Jul/6 nora wrote: It is day one for me and my wish was for my crush to like me back. I texted him, and he read my text at 7:38. 88888888 this is a sign!!! Thank you universe!!!8888888 Posted: Jul/6 Deeps wrote: Yes, My wish came true! It took some time and patience but it did! Posted: Jul/3 Tina wrote: I was looking through my saved websites and came across an older wish that I had requested and as I was reading the wish it gave me an Aha moment that it did happen. My wish for him to reveal his feelings to me and hug and kiss me happened. I had also asked in the same wish for us to go out on a date but that did not happen. I am still shocked. The funny thing about this is that I forgot I had placed this wish at least 1 year ago. Although it took that long for the wish to come true at least I am that closer for us to get together. And who knows, the date might be just around the corner? If most of the wish came true than why not the rest of it? Posted: Jul/2 love it wrote: omg my wish came true! thank you so much!!1 Posted: Jul/2 Keyon Sinclair wrote: I've seen two signs in one day. First, I saw a sticker on my phone that read 9+1+1=11 and the clock on my computer read 1+2+5=8 Posted: Jul/2 wrote: When saying my wish at 11:11 , i stubled a little on saying my wish. Is this okay or do i need to start again? Posted: Jul/1 Keyon Murray wrote: While I was on the cumputer after making my wish, I saw the clock saying 11:18 1+1+1+8=11 that must be a sign Posted: Jul/1 Amy wrote: i just started and the time is 10:16 . 1+1+6= 8 . I think i had a sign. Posted: Jun/28 k wrote: My wish came true! I won the lottery! Posted: Jun/20 Rachel wrote: This works 100%! I wished to meet Sebastain Stan ( Bucky) and I was surprised with a VIP meet and greet at a comic con in sacramento Posted: Jun/18 Ezinne wrote: Ommg wen i finished doing this, the time was 8:39 and i added 8+3 and it equaled 11 i think i just got a sign Posted: Jun/18 E. wrote: Yes, my wish came true! My love came back to me despite there were very few to no chances!!! Posted: Jun/16 AD wrote: My wish came true I wish for the Pittsburgh Penguins to win the Stanley Cup and they did whooooooooo Posted: Jun/15 Jenny wrote: My wish came true. I passed my class Thanks real-wish so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Jun/14 Natasha wrote: OMG MY WISH CAME TRUE AFTER I MADE A WISH AND MY IPHONE CAME FROM THE MAIL WHO EVER MADE THIS IS THE BEST THANK YOU POER OF * THANK YOU!!!! Posted: Jun/13 Mark wrote: Omg i can feel my wish coming true ive been seeing 8's and 11's eberywhere and things that add up to them as well. I also felt a change in my life now . Posted: Jun/12 anonymous wrote: After I said my wish in the mirror, I looked at the clock and it said 11:30. 11-3=8! and it was 19 minutes since i said my wish. 9-1=8!!! this must be a sign!! Posted: Jun/11 Sebastian wrote: My wish is coming true and is the 3rd day Posted: Jun/9 shalin wrote: My wis came true on the second day .thank you so much :) Posted: Jun/9 V wrote: You can start at any time but the mirror thing I do it at 11:11 pm since 11:11 am is early I think you can do it at both times Posted: Jun/8 m wrote: hi, the time 11:11 must be on morning or night? it is 9:00 pm now and i just started the day 1 should i do it on 11:11 tonight or start over tommorow for 11:11 am? Posted: Jun/7 a wrote: My wish came true. I swear I just belived will my heart,visualized it and followed the intsructions properly. Posted: Jun/5 lauren wrote: why is not come true Posted: Jun/4 the believer in anything wrote: My wish came true. I thought that my soul mate wasn't out there. Turns out he is! Posted: Jun/2 amy wrote: i see 11's and 8's everywhere i go .its amazing.Its a sign.:) Posted: Jun/1 Court wrote: I made a wish a long time ago that my best friend would stop being friends with this 88888 and I believed it would happen becuase i wanted it so bad i wanted my best friend back badly. My other best friend started to hate her because she was being a 88888 to us. This 88888 kept manipulating my best friend but eventually when i was just about to give up she came back. She and the 88888 fell out and I couldn't be happier because i love my best friend so much <3 so that you real wishes (even though it did happen a few months ago) Posted: May/31 tara wrote: i know m y w i sh i s n o t g o i n g t o c o m e t r u e b e caauze i t i s i m p o i b l e .l e t s see n o w i l l n o t t h i n k t h i n k n o m o r e no h o p e i w i l l n o t t h i n k m o r e Posted: May/28 Courtenay wrote: Ever since I made my most recet wish, I've been seeing so many signs!!!! Just before, I looked at the clock and it said ''11:28 AM''!!!! Lately ever since I made my wish, I've been seeing signs including the fact that I saw 8s when I was out for dinner the other night and occasionally when I look at the clock, I see a number that's associated with real wishes!!!!!! THAT HAS GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!!! < Next Page 1 of 31 Previous > Currently, there are only 7843 wishes left. Real-Wishes.com |