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Susan wrote: My wish came true! Thank you! Posted: May/26 Courtenay wrote: I keep on seeing 8s!!!!!!!!!!! I went out for tea (dinner) earlier on tonight and I saw the number ''8'' 4 times!!!!!!! I saw the number ''8'' on the menu 3 times!!!! Then I recognised there was the number 8 on my uncle's jumper as well!!!! THIS HAS GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!!!! Posted: May/26 my wish came true wrote: OMG OMG OMG!!!! I can't believe it!!! my wish came true!!! I got into the university of my choice and got all As in my exams. soo grateful!! thank you!!!, :) Posted: May/25 Courtenay wrote: I just looked at myy alarm clock and it said ''8:38 PM''!!!!!!!! ZAT' A SIGN!?!?!?!? Ever since I made my most recent wish, I'vebeen seeing unexpected signs every so often!!!! THIS IS UNREAL!!!!!!!! THIS HAS GOT TO BE A SIGN THAT MY WISH IS COMING TO REALITY!!!!!! Posted: May/18 Datmemestho wrote: Thanks,Real wishes i needed enough money for the bake sale today i will keep on wishing it works just do the steps! Posted: May/13 belive wrote: guys it works.. just belive Posted: May/6 wrote: Posted: May/6 wrote: Posted: May/5 jess wrote: ive wished a few things ididnt think would work but they came true ! Posted: May/4 Jacky wrote: When i turned on my kindle it was on 8%. Is that a sign? Posted: May/3 toriiiii wrote: I went on my wish page for several days in a row and then got really busy and forgot a day. I stopped visiting my wish page after that because I felt guilty, but as soon as I stopped feeling guilty and forgot about my wish altogether... it came true! Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Also, I've been seeing 11:11 a lot and 8's and I think I've been recieving signs of assurance. This is amazing Posted: May/3 Mike wrote: I honestly was amazed, this website actually WORKS!!!! I wished my dad can find a job similar to his old job since he had to leave. The day I finished the 8 day sequence, he found a job, similar to his old job! It's amazing Posted: May/1 Courtenay wrote: It seems that nearly every time I look at my alarm clock and/or the clock on my Laptop, I happen to see either 8s or 11s!!!!!!!!!!! THAT HAS GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!!!!! Posted: Apr/30 Ally wrote: So this morning i woke up around 11:00 and checked my phone and it was 11% at 11:00 is this a sign? Posted: Apr/30 Courtenay wrote: I keep seeing 8s and 11s!!! Just before, i looked at the clock on my Laptop and it said ''6:11'' and in 3 minutes the time will be ''6:38 PM''!!!!!!!! It seems that every time i look at my alarm clock and/or the clock on my Laptop, the time either has an ''8'' or an ''11'' in amongst it!!!! I'm beginning to think this is a sign!!!!! Posted: Apr/27 Courtenay wrote: I typed up my star sign just above where my wish is revealed after visiting my wish page tonight. For some reason once i typed in my star sign, the message that appeared below happens to have some idea of how i'm feeling right now. i've done heaps of work tonight and have had a really tough aand hectic day today. The message i recieved after typing in my star sign was ''work has taken its toll on you. Plan to take a break soon''. how does this site somehow happen to know how i feel????? This site has got to be really magic to know that i'm planning to take a break soon!!!!! Oh, and i just looked at the clock on my Laptop and it says ''9:58 PM''!!!!!!!!!! I keep seeing 8s!!!! IS THAT A SIGN!!!!????!!!?!?! Posted: Apr/21 Courtenay wrote: Although i've visited my wish page for 8 days and done the tasks, I'm still seeing signs such as 8s and elevens!!!!! THIS HAS GOTTA BE A SIGN!!!!!! Posted: Apr/21 faith wrote: i just made a wish about two hours ago that i will make a 90 on my chem test, when i got to his office 30 minutes after making the wish, he graded my paper in front of me, and i added up my score and it came to the exact number i wished for. i was so happy. this site actually works! time for my second wish!(: Posted: Apr/20 morgan wrote: OMG!!!!! my wish came ture!!!! now my parents let me date! i have this amazing boyfriend!!! THANKS 8888 Posted: Apr/20 caramel wrote: what if you lost your number 8 papre? do we start all over again? Posted: Apr/19 Rachel wrote: I underestimated them. I made a wish to meet Val C ( a dancer from Dancing with the Stars) becuase I was going to see him on tour. And I did. i got to meet him. Thank you so much real wishes! Posted: Apr/18 Courtenay wrote: OMG!!!! I just looked at the eyes on the top of the website (real wishes) page and then at the clock on my Laptop and it said ''10:08 PM''!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep seeing 8s!!!!!! THAT'S GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!!!!?!?!?!?!? Posted: Apr/18 Courtenay wrote: I keep on unexpectedly seeing 8s!!!! Oh, and on my alarm clock before, it said ''8:28 PM'' IS THAT A SIGN!?!!?!? I just checked my wish page for the 8th day and the scroll said ''so be it'' and ''it is done''. What does that mean?!?!?!?1?!? Posted: Apr/17 Syd wrote: I know this is real!!! I always see signs (11:11 everywhere and numbers that add to 8) and I believe with all my heart. Posted: Apr/17 Courtenay wrote: Just nearly an hour ago, the time was ''10:38 PM'' and now the time's ''11:38 PM''!!!!!!!! IS THAT A SIGN?!?!?!?!? Posted: Apr/15 Courtenay wrote: THIS HAS GO TO BE A SIGN!!!!! I WAS ABOUT TO DO THE STEP WHERE YOU POST THE CODE ONTO ONLINE SOCIAL COMMUNITY WEBSITES SO I WENT TO ''Blogs, opinion & analysis. The Australian''. OMG!!!! ON THE WEBSITE, IT SAID ''$8 FOR THE FIRST 8 WEEKS''!!!!!!!!! I SAW THE NUMBER 8 TWICE!!!!! THIS SITE IS REALLY STARTING TO ATTRACT ME IN MORE AND MORE!!!!! I'M STARTING TO WONDER MAYBE THIS SITE ACTUALLY DOES WORK!!!! IT'S ONLY A SITE, HOW DOES IT DO THIS???????!!!!!!! Posted: Apr/14 Alyson wrote: All three of my wishes came true!!! its real Posted: Apr/13 wrote: Its so weird because i made my wish and when i clicked onto the book marked page it started saying i had to do it again is this a sign Posted: Apr/12 Courtenay wrote: I just opened my bedroom window to expose of the paper and right now, the time is currantly ''9:08 PM''!!!!!! The calender says ''12/04/2016!!!!!'' 12+4=16 and 16 divided by 2 is 8!!!!!! THAT HAS GOT TO BE A SIGN!!!! Posted: Apr/11 Courtenay wrote: On the clock on my Laptop, it says ''8:18 PM''. 16 divided by 2 is 8!!!! It's 16 minutes past 8 and today's the 11th of April!!!There's curranty 8 AND 11 on my Laptop. THAT'S DEFINITELY GOTTA BE A SIGN!!!!! Posted: Apr/5 Courtenay wrote: I keep on seeing 8s and 11s on things, specifically on my alarm clock and on the clock on my Laptop!!!!!! I just looked at the clock on my Laptop and it said ''11:08 AM''!!!!! THIS IS SO UNEXPECTED!!!!! I made my wish and retrackted it about 3 or 4 times!!!! I'm still seeing numbers associated with this site!!!!!! IS THAT A SIGN!?!?!?!? Posted: Apr/4 wrote: Posted: Mar/30 Lee Anna Gerety wrote: READ THIS!!! Hi, I'm the one that wished to see Oleg Reid again. It hasn't come true but guess what!!!??? I feel it coming true. I couldn't get submit wish to work. I've got an extra to add to it. I wish I could go swing at the park with him. I live right down the street from a park. The park is on my street. It's walking distance from my house. I feel like I'm going to see him again but I wish we could go to the park together. So far I feel it coming true. I know I'm not going to get let down. He is a teenaged boy and I am a teenaged girl. I met him at a treatment place. The boys and girls were seperated though. I wish I could go swing with him at the park. - Lee Anna Posted: Mar/27 RONAN wrote: OMG THANK YOU LORD THANK U GOD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IT CAME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Mar/26 Aimee Bianca wrote: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! THIS THING ACTUALLY WORKS I GOT AN IPHONE 6S IN ROSE GOLD!!!!!! OMG WOWWWWW Posted: Mar/24 Courtenay wrote: I keep on seeing numbers on myalarm clock on my bed side table and on my laptop such as ''8:00'' (8 o'clock), ''11:00'' (eleven o'clock), ''8:11'', ''11:8'' (eleven minutes past eigt and/or 8 minutes past 11.) Or any numbers which sum up in any math matter to8, 11 or any number that has stuff to do with this ''Real wishes.com'' website!!!!! I THINK THAT'S A SIGN VERY UNEXPECTEDLY!!!!!!!! Posted: Mar/15 dayanna wrote: MY WISH CAME TRUE I WISH FOR MY FRIENDS FORGIVNESS AND GUESS WHAT WERE NOW FRIENDS Posted: Mar/15 ? wrote: What happened to the first page? The second page starts on June of 2015? What happened to the 2016 comments? Posted: Mar/14 lizy555 wrote: the wind started picing up during when my paper was toward the moon but when i took the paper away it stoped. is this a sign pleeze answer Posted: Mar/11 Courtenay. wrote: Although i've already passed the 8th day, i'm still seeing signs!!!!! I kep seeing 8s, 11s, and just a minute ago, my clock on my laptop sid ''7:11 PM''!! Today's the 11th of March!!! 11 11!!!! IS HAT A SIGN!!1????!! Posted: Mar/10 Claire wrote: I wished for my husband to get his new job, and today, two days later, he got the job!!! Thank you so much!!! Posted: Mar/8 aurora wrote: my wish came true! i got an iPhone 5s!!!!!this stuff takes time trust me! its been a while since i havent been on this website for a long time :) thank you real wishes! Posted: Feb/26 Tayler wrote: I know im posting a lot but i keep seeing 8 and 11s!!! I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY THANK YOU SO MUCH REAL WISHES YOU REALLY ARE THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Feb/23 wrote: Posted: Feb/23 Courtenay wrote: I KEEP ON SEEING 8s EVERYWHERE!!!!! THERE ARE CURRANTLY 2 8s ON MY ALARM CLOCK!!!!!! THERE'S A ''3'' ON MY ALARM CLOCK AS WELL!!!!! 8+3=11!!!!!! IS THAT A SIGN!!!!!!!!!!! AH, MY EXCITEMENT'S REALLY INCREASING SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Feb/22 Jade M. wrote: Well, here's one thing that's weird for me; suring lunch I accidentally punched in the number 11, which is a good thing! It happened so unexpectedly while I was going to punch in my ID number. Posted: Feb/22 Chloe wrote: Made a wish about 15 minutes ago. Looked at the clock on my laptop and it said 20:11.... That means 8:11pm..... 8! and 11! Um what?! Is that a sign? Posted: Feb/20 Katelyn wrote: My wish came true during the 8days but after it came true I stopped visting the page and now its telling me don't panic and all this other stuff what do I do? Posted: Feb/19 Mindy wrote: YES!!! My wish came true, AND the horoscope of the day was RIGHT ON! I was asked out by a client today!! OH MY GOD!!! THANK YOU! Posted: Feb/18 lea wrote: my wish came true!! Posted: Feb/12 really important question wrote: i made three wishes and during the 11:11 thing, saying my wishes went went up to 11:13. What should i do? should i start over or should i just keep continuing or what? Posted: Feb/12 Ra wrote: I had to start again with this wish 3 4 times, and I was considering whether I should do this, or whethere there was something up with my wish. I got called to take part in a race, I was team captain, have an athletic background, 1st place mentality... my team came 11th. Someone gave me some details, the numbers added up to 11,11. I'm going to take this as a universal message to persevere with my wish. Posted: Feb/11 Jacques wrote: I've just realised that I have misspelt a word in my wish, should I start again with a different wish or just carry on as normal? Thanks Posted: Feb/11 Vonda wrote: I have made several wishes on here and none seem to be coming true :( I am wondering if this site really works Posted: Feb/10 Autumn wrote: OMG!!! i can't beleive this actually works! Posted: Feb/9 nikki wrote: Suprisingly my wish came true. Before winter break ended I wished for a best friend with ver spacfic qualities. When I got back in less then a week I started talking to this girl more than I used to and now we're best friend. She's exactly what I wished for. Thank you so much I don't know what I would do without her. Posted: Feb/8 wrote: i defintly like everytime i punch and kick I am getting and faster and faster is just me or my wishing coming true iam so pumped Posted: Feb/7 me wrote: 8:28 is that a sign Posted: Feb/7 TazPandaPaws wrote: 8:18 is that a sigh the when today exactly it was 8:00 pm alaso is that a sign Posted: Feb/7 Courtenay wrote: My wish came true!!!!! I wished i'd find my phone after it went missing. OMG!!! I found it just about half an hour after i made my wish!!! HOW DOES THIS SITE DO IT!!???!?!? Posted: Feb/5 Jade wrote: I love this site so much, it makes me feel positive and happy! Finally! I'm getting what I truly most desired of all!!! And of course I believe in the power of 8. I really, really want this and beleive me, whatever I wished for is so out of this world! In a good way. Posted: Feb/5 Jade wrote: I believe in this website!!! I do!!! This site is so awesome! I made a wish that is so unbelivable it'll blow your mind away! Posted: Feb/5 Courtenay wrote: Just before, I looked at my alarm clock and it said ''11:38''!!!! 3+8=11!!!!! So that makes it ''11:11'' !!!!!! IS THIS A SIGN!!! Posted: Feb/4 Aquata wrote: I wished that this guy I liked would ask me out, AND HE DID! Thank you so much Real Wishes! He is now my bf. <3 <3 <3 Posted: Feb/4 Natascha wrote: my wish is coming true!!! Posted: Feb/4 Tabby wrote: what if i forgot to visualize one day do i have to start all over Posted: Feb/3 Keyon wrote: I saw a sign on the clock on 7:13 7+3+1=11 Posted: Feb/3 Courtenay wrote: OMG!!!! Now the time is 11:00!!!! One of the famous real wishes numbers is 11!!!!!! IS THIS A SIGN!!! IS MY WISH COMING TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!?!?!?! IS IT!?!?!? Posted: Feb/1 Courrtenay wrote: Before (2 minutes ago) I stared up at the clock again and it said ''10:38''!!!!! I saw the number 8 AGAIN!!!! Is this a SIGHN!!!??? Posted: Feb/1 wrote: Posted: Jan/31 Courtenay wrote: I just looked at the clock on my laptop about five minutes ago and it said ''11:14''. If 4 is divided by 2, the answer's 2 so in 2 minutes time, the time would be 11:16!!! 16 divided by 2 equals 8!!!! These have got to be signs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is my wish coming true!!!?????!!! Posted: Jan/30 ??? wrote: I stumbled on my wish and I said it more than 8 times. Do I need to restart? Posted: Jan/28 Anonymous wrote: When im saying my wish and if i get interupted for a sec do i have to start over Posted: Jan/28 Courtenay wrote: I stuffed up my previous statis. Last night, i looked at the digital clock on my laptop and the time was 11:22 pm and 22 divided by 2 equals 11!!!!!!! Is that a sign???!!!! Just earlier this afternoon, i looked at thhe digitl calender on my laptop aand it's the 28th of January!!! Now the clock says 6:38 pm!!!!! I keep on seeing and hearing the number 8!!!!!! OMG!!! Are these signs!!!! Posted: Jan/26 Aniyah wrote: My wish came true!! This is awesome! I wished that I would get an A on a project! They got handed back today and I got an A!! Amazing! One of my wishes is still in the making though! Don't lose faith! Posted: Jan/26 mikaela wrote: This really works! i was able to get my wish of being talented at singing. I am amazed at how talented I have become at singing. Thank you Real Wishes and God! Posted: Jan/25 The Bluefire Channel wrote: OMG!!!! So i wished for something and My b-day is on the 28 annd it has an 8 in it! and im turning 11 on thursday! This must be a sign!!! OMG OMG OMG! Posted: Jan/23 sana wrote: OMG!!!!!!!!!! ive grown nubes on my back my wish is comeing true im gana grow wings and ive had a little bit of fellings on the numbs its working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Jan/18 anon wrote: OKAY So everytime I try to make a wish on this website...something always ruins the process for me... I will be so close to finishing...and then it is ruined (examples: wifi quits working, paper is lost etc) Is that a sign itself? Is my wish a bad idea or something? Posted: Jan/17 Tyler K. wrote: I saw 6:11 on my alram Clock and if I add the single digits together I get 8! That's petty amazing. Posted: Jan/17 michelle wrote: do i have to restart because i started to late Posted: Jan/16 To Anxious need answers wrote: I don't think you would need to start over. :) just keep following the steps! Posted: Jan/16 Anxious need answers wrote: Also, I stuttered saying my wish 8 times when it was 11:11. Does that also mean I have to start over? Posted: Jan/15 AnonymousA wrote: Today I was planning badminton and the points were 11:11 and 8:11 is this a sign? Posted: Jan/14 answer please wrote: if I restart my wish do i have to resend 8 emails? or can i just press no? Posted: Jan/14 James wrote: I just had a question. Has anything bad happened after you have made your wish and after it came true? Posted: Jan/14 Alija wrote: OMG!!!!!! THANK U SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I wished for my little sister to pass her 11+ (Eleven Plus) entrance exams for grammar schools, and it came true!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Jan/13 Sarah wrote: ok so like i wished for me any my friend to stop fighting, and we havent fought for like, 5 WHOLE YEARS!!!!! OMG IT TOTALLY WORKS! Posted: Jan/13 Jenny wrote: LOVE IT LLLOOOVVVEEE IIITTT my wish came true!! you are my live savior real-wish. Posted: Jan/12 Alex wrote: So its my 7th day and i dint feel anything but i have school and i cant do the 11:11 thing but ive been feeling weird so is that a sign is my wish coming true Posted: Jan/10 Tj wrote: I'mma start this again tonight. Wish me luck. ^^ Posted: Jan/10 Jazz wrote: OMG i made my wish a few days ago and today is the 4th day for my wishing page, i already see my wish coming true!! OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!! Posted: Jan/10 Ana wrote: I have made my wish and its becoming true. it works Posted: Jan/7 lorlor wrote: I checked the date on my computer after I made the wish and it was 1/7, and 1+7=8! OMG IS THAT A SIGN?????????? Posted: Jan/7 Anna wrote: OMG, I saw again the time 11:11 AM and PM :D Since I made that wish (4 days), I've been seeing this hour a lot. Is this a sign?? Posted: Jan/7 Adz wrote: My wish pretty much came true. This IS AMAZING!!! Posted: Jan/6 Leah wrote: OMG I wished to get popular on AO3 on I DID! I have 34 user subscriptions now! I am wishing on something else now, but wow, I don't doubt it! This is amazing. I wished to go to an advanced screening of a movie in May and it came true. I wished to find something lost and I found it stuck in a seat! I wished for someone to make me a gift on AO3 and IT HAPPENED! THIS IS REAL. Posted: Jan/5 Anna wrote: OMG, OMG, OMG, it happened again! I've just checked the clock and it's 11:11 PM here :D Posted: Jan/4 Sage wrote: OMG, So anyway I was doing my homework, and while I was typing... my puppy came in then I played with her cuz shes super cute then while I was playing with her she typing in 8 :) OK THATS A LITTLE FREAKY, Is that a sign Posted: Jan/3 Mary wrote: MY WISH CAME TRUE! THIS SITE REALLY WORKS!!!! IT'S REAL!!! Posted: Jan/3 Keyon wrote: I saw the clock and it was 2:06 2+0+6=8. This is the third sign in two days OMFGGG Posted: Jan/3 someone plz answer wrote: For the 11:11 mirror thing, what do u mean when u say Start Again? Posted: Jan/2 Keyon wrote: After doing the mirror thing, i went to the computer and i saw 2015 2+1+5+0=8. This must be a sign Posted: Jan/2 Marielle wrote: Hmm, Since I've seeing lot of many problems with losing the papers that have 8's on them, How about just putting tapes your papers on the windows of your rooms and/or fences outside,that is dircetly showing the paper of 8 at the moon. That's way, you don't have to start over again for so many. Posted: Jan/1 David wrote: well in on day i forgot to raise my 8 paper in the sky so i did that 7 times but i did 11:11 8 times is that a sign? do i have to start over? becuase my wish said "it is done" pls answer fast right now!!! Posted: Dec/31 @pls answer asap wrote: You have to start over again. Sorry :/ Posted: Dec/30 please answer asap please wrote: if i forget to shine moonlight upon my number 8 one day do i have to restart Posted: Dec/28 THE PLS ANSWER PERSON wrote: DAAAAAAAAAAMN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!! IT WAS MY EIGHT AND I WAS DOING SO WELL AND ON MY LAST DAY OMG I HAVE TO START OVER AAAAAARGH Posted: Dec/28 To @PLEASE ANSWER wrote: I think as long as the eight is still fine, it still works, but if you're eight is ripped to then I would start over! Posted: Dec/28 gwen wrote: OMG! when the clock turned 11:11 the lights flickered, this is definitely a sign! Posted: Dec/27 keyon wrote: I checked the time after making my wish and it was 10:07 1+7+1=8 I believe this is a sign Posted: Dec/27 --PLS ANSWER-- wrote: I was just about to do the 11:11 thing on the mirror when my 8 paper ripped in half. Quickly I cele-taped it back together and did my 11:11 thing with the mirror. Will this be okay, even if it ripped because I taped it back together, or do I start over?? PLS ANSWER!!! Posted: Dec/25 Mamta wrote: 8 days are already over and there are nit even faint signs of my wish coming true Posted: Dec/24 Harriott wrote: I'm going out of town and my grandparents dont have wifi...should i start over...or just ressume where i am on the wish? Posted: Dec/24 not saying wrote: So I was playing Sonic 06 and my rings were 11341 I was like "OMG!!!!" 3+4+1=8 11 and 8! Then, after I completed the next stage, I had 13341 3+3= 6 +4= 10 + 1 = 11 IT'S A SIGN, RIGHT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Posted: Dec/24 not telling wrote: Is this a sign? So when I looked at my clock just about 30 seconds ago, I had read: 11:44 11 4+4= 8 so basically 11:08 is that a sign? Posted: Dec/23 Molly wrote: real wishes: http://www.real-wishes.com IT REALLY WORKS!!!!!!!! Posted: Dec/23 Sage wrote: What if I forget to do the paper thing do I restart? And also do I have to do it at night time??? Posted: Dec/23 Anu wrote: What if one day I forget to hold that paper in the moonlight and that mirror thing? Do I have to restart? Posted: Dec/21 szene sophia wrote: guys, this rly works, i made a wish in 2013, n slowly it started coming true and oh my God! it still is...i turned from a tomboyish rude antisocial gurl to a social cute n loving gurl m surrounded bt love all around me <3 Thank you 8 <3 n thanks to whoever made this website, i'll never forget how happy i became and now i still look back at wut i've been through n remember you made it easier <3 so keep ur faith on guys n just believe Posted: Dec/21 Fer wrote: Mmm i try today but is 12:11 i should re-start tomorrow? Posted: Dec/20 ? wrote: as i was walking home i saw grafiti that said careful what u wish for is that a sign Posted: Dec/17 wrote: Posted: Dec/15 Courtenay wrote: I just made my wish 8 days ago and have visited my wish page for the 8th day. Now the scroll thing has come up and says ''so be it''. ''By the words it will happen'' and at the end, it says'' it is done''. Is this a sign? Does this mean i'm recieving my wish???!!!!! Posted: Dec/15 Dominic wrote: its REAL and TRUE!! Posted: Dec/14 jay wrote: well feel my wish is coming true one more day to go Posted: Dec/14 Becca wrote: i wished for no hw and it came true Posted: Dec/14 wrote: Posted: Dec/12 Allison wrote: my wish came true!!! thank you soo much!! Posted: Dec/11 JM wrote: My wish became real at the 8 day after I made all the steps. The final step was the more important to make, the paradox of letting go. When this wish became real, I couldn`t believe it, so unexpected, the power that this site helps to grow in the hearts is powerful. This actually works! Posted: Dec/10 wrote: Posted: Dec/8 Michelle wrote: Just to be clear, do you start the mirror thing and exposing the paper to moonlight the same day as when you start your wish? Or do you start doing it the day after? Posted: Dec/8 sana_is wired wrote: its coming true asked for wings there are bones i see and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Dec/6 janey wrote: i just completed the 8 days and now it says that my wish is done. i dont know what this means but im praying that my wish came true! Posted: Dec/6 Jennie wrote: I have 6 more days, but I was wondering if someone starts at 11:11 and it is a detailed wish, and by the time I have finished saying it 8 times about 15 minutes or so passed, is that ok or should I have shortened it? It is a kengthy wish one which is very spacific and detailed. Posted: Nov/30 Suzy Lee wrote: It came true!!!!! I found my lost item! Posted: Nov/30 shir wrote: should i restart if i forgot doing the 11:11 thing? Posted: Nov/26 JM wrote: Hi everyone. My wish hasn´t come truth yet, but I feel it is still on progress. Since I arrived to this site I started to feel a change around me. I had the vision as they said, the 11:11 became a constant (one night I was sleeping and suddenly woke up I checked the clock and the time was exactly that 11:11). My wish was to have back in my life someone that left, and my decision to bring him back was because in my heart I felt it wasn´t over, that I needed to do more so by "accident" I found this page. The power of the will is our biggest asset, I´m really happy I found this website. Thank you so much, in 8 days I found a huge change I never felt before. I know my wish will become real very soon. Posted: Nov/26 To pipor wrote: i dont think you need to restart at all, you only need to restart if you miss a day just try saying your wih eight times anyways it should be fine. Posted: Nov/26 pipor wrote: i have start yesterday with the 11 11. at 11:11 PM. today i got to the mirror 11 : 12 Am. Should I restart? and also should i restart the visiting of the wish site? pls fast answers, my wish is the thing i mostly want in my life, and i dont believe its impossible like for angelina jolie to marry me. Pls answer me fast im desperated Posted: Nov/25 Fiona wrote: Absolutely working! Thanks! Posted: Nov/25 wrote: if i skip a day holding my paper up to the sky do i have to start over Posted: Nov/24 Janie Kaveny wrote: I am so excited and full of joy today on my grochery reciet the total I saw was 86.08 is that a sign? Are you supposed to say it in the morning at 11:11? Thank you :) :) Posted: Nov/22 Deeps wrote: My writing this thank you message now, but my wish came true like 3 months ago. It made my so happy and is still making me happy. This site work. You just gotta believe. :) Posted: Nov/22 Mark wrote: Omg!!! I can feel my wish coming true I've been seeing 11's and eights everywhere Posted: Nov/22 To Ed wrote: No I doubt you would have to start over. You said it at least 8 times. Posted: Nov/22 Ed wrote: Did I need to restarf with my wish, if I had mentioned it in front of the mirror more than 8 times? Posted: Nov/16 Hannah wrote: I made a wish on October 1st that I would meet the love of my life. On October 11th, it came true. I met the love of my life and we are happily a couple, it really works! Thank you real-wishes!! Posted: Nov/16 Anonymous wrote: I made a wish that I would lose 10 pounds, it did take two weeks, but it happened! Posted: Nov/15 Girl From Illinois wrote: I just started this today, and I just realized it was November... MONTH 11!! Sign much?!?! Posted: Nov/15 Becky wrote: This is real!!!! I wished for a home to come back to me that was already under contract. I was the back up offer. It did!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Nov/14 Denis wrote: Whoa! This is weird. I wished to go to a school and their mascot is a penguin, and I have been watching penguin movies (Happy Feet, Surf's Up) suddenly last week! Is this a sign? Posted: Nov/14 Arie wrote: my wih page is sayig I didn't go on there when I did now I've to start all over ? Posted: Nov/10 Tema wrote: OMG!!! This site actually works!!!! Posted: Nov/9 Rii wrote: Thank you!! My wish came true again - for the third time! I'm so glad. Posted: Nov/8 Dana wrote: one of my wishes came true Posted: Nov/6 wrote: I made my wish today and I felt so confident and happy, and suddenly it started happening!! she called! and then after she hung up I opened my wish page again to check it and suddenly she sends a text!!! I can already see it happening! Posted: Nov/5 jade suarez wrote: omg when it said you will see the time 11:11i looked at the clock it was 12:53 1+2+5+3=11 holly cow its a sign im soo happy Posted: Nov/5 Jeannee wrote: Hello, everyone. I made my wish some time ago and yet, I kept seeing 8s and 11s. I'm starting to think that my wish is coming true. Posted: Nov/4 unicorngirl wrote: ok so i made a wish because i i met this girl on holiday and we became best friends but she lives in Wales and I met a guy as well on holiday who I really liked but he lives in England and I really wanted them to join my school and today in Science I found out the a girl is going to be joining our class and i don't know f its my best friend o someoine else but is my wish finally coming true? x Posted: Nov/3 Reply to Important Question. wrote: No you dont need to restart, You just have to start the 11:11 again. Posted: Nov/3 Important Question wrote: So, I forgot to Do the 11:11 Thing last night, Do I have to restart or do i have to just restart that 11:11 thing? Posted: Nov/1 Jazmine wrote: Time is ticking so quickly every time I visit my wish page. Is this a sign? Posted: Nov/1 devon wrote: i wished for my hair to turn out good after my shower and it came true! Posted: Oct/31 Imortant question wrote: I Made my wish almost a week ago and the time is changing back an hour so do I have to 8888ing start over????!!!!! Im literally crying right now. Posted: Oct/30 wrote: Posted: Oct/28 Brigette wrote: I last looked at my clock at 7:01...7+1= 8....I just looked at it now and its 7:04....7+4= 11.....is this a sign??? OMG!! Posted: Oct/27 unknown wrote: I was just holding my 8 paper up to the sky and when 2 minutes was over it started raining so i came inside and it stopped straight away, is this a sign? Posted: Oct/25 Graham Joseph wrote: I started my wish at 8:00 P.M and I shine my number 8 at 8:08 P.M. I realize that my download takes 6.41 Gigabytes(gb) to complete. I added 6+4+1=11. Does that mean my download is my pathway to my wish? Either way, That's cool. 8888 For love, 8888 For life! Posted: Oct/23 chukwugozie wrote: Pls i just skip on the 11:11 task and today is my 5th day what do i do? should i start afreesh with all the task or just only the 11:11 ,advise,im just mad now,i slept off. Posted: Oct/22 Naina wrote: This Website rocks!!!! I LOVE THE POWER OF 8888. i wished for something impossible which hurts me and broke me. I came across to this site i wish for something impossible and after 3 years it happend. All of a sudden i remembered i made wish here. It wasnt possible without the power of 8888! Posted: Oct/20 Lilly wrote: I made my wish yesterday and today I saw a sign that had 65 on it and 6+5=11 sorry everything is blury right now. Posted: Oct/19 Asia wrote: OMG, I saw my clock and it was 12:44, 1+2+4+4=11 Posted: Oct/17 Maya wrote: Am I having a sign my eyes are sting like crazy? Posted: Oct/16 OMG wrote: OMG! I looked add the clock and it's 12:08 (1+2+8=11). Is it a sign? Posted: Oct/15 Greg wrote: Should I just start using Bosley for men? Posted: Oct/11 Heather_Has_Swag wrote: This morning i woke up and my front door was open, is that a sign? Posted: Oct/10 sally wrote: if i had a dollar for anytime someone saw a sign... i probably wouldnt be wishing here because id be rich. CHILL with the signs guys. testimonials are for stories of people who got their wishes granted. Posted: Oct/10 A person wrote: My 8 paper got really beaten up, you cn still make out the 8 and its in one piece but its real beaten up. Do i start again? Posted: Oct/10 IMPORTANT QUESTION wrote: Is it okay to go over 2 minutes if im holding my paper to the sky? I got startled and forgot to pause the time so i might have gone over 2 minutes. is that okay? Posted: Oct/9 lolipop wrote: this is really? i really die? and i know this is 8888 and888888.l. Posted: Oct/9 unknown wrote: NO, I WON'T RESTART! NO WAY! I JUST FINISHED MY WISH!!! Posted: Oct/8 to unknown wrote: i think it would be best to restart because the number is worn off. Posted: Oct/8 Star Moon wrote: I made my wish yeasterday and today a school I keept seeing 11 or some times 1111 is this a sign? From the Sirens. Posted: Oct/8 Unknown wrote: My 8 card broke in half and the number faded just when i got my 8 out of my bra coz it was 11:10 and i was getting ready so i quickly ran to get a pencil and wrote on the other half an 8. will this be okay, do i need to start again because my 8 card broke or is it ok? -pls answer- Posted: Oct/7 Paulina wrote: You can either start over or email 8 people you know cause I made a wish and I forgot to do the 11 thing so I emailed 8 people and my wish still came true Posted: Oct/7 Ciaran wrote: I saw signs all over the place about my wish, but i got so tired on the first day i didn't do the 11:11PM in the mirror thing, do i have to start again? Posted: Oct/6 Anon wrote: I looked at my phone and it said 8:11, I think it's a sign. Posted: Oct/6 happy wrote: one testimony on the home page matched what I wished for. I feel that this is a sign that my wish is working *fingers crossed that it works* Posted: Oct/4 Mangle wrote: My eyws are sting like the end of the world is this a sign. Posted: Oct/4 candance wrote: wow my wish is almost coming true Posted: Oct/4 Mariel wrote: Well, you can start over if you miss the 11:11 thing but you can try it again on other day as you will try to remember thing to do the mirror thing. So, don't worry. if you forgot about it, do it next day, mark it down when you remember it then you're all set. Posted: Oct/3 Mapleine wrote: Yes you shouldstart agian. Posted: Oct/3 rabjot wrote: i have visited my wish page for 7 days now but i havent done teh 11:11 thing. do i have to start again? Posted: Sep/30 molly wrote: MY WISH WAS COMING TRUE I THINK AND THEN MY MUM FORGOT TO WAKE ME UP AT 11 AND NOW I HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN WHICH IS SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Sep/30 charles wrote: u need to start over. Posted: Sep/28 Damien wrote: So in one of my wishes i didn't get say my wish 8 times at the exact time 11;11 so do i start over Posted: Sep/28 sara wrote: my wish came true just under an hour i made the wish Posted: Sep/28 christine wrote: yesterday while I held my paper to the sky, I saw something flash, almost like a shooting star in the sky..is this a sign? Posted: Sep/28 AnonymousTheG wrote: IS THIS A SIGN? WHEN I WAS LOOKING AT MY PHONE IT AS 11:11 AND NOW IT IS 21:23 WHICH MEANS : 2+1+2+3=8??? OMG OMG OMG Posted: Sep/28 Shir wrote: i checked my wish page and looked at the clock and it was 20:51 2+5+1=8! is it a sign? i really feel like it is! Posted: Sep/27 faith wrote: OMGGGGGG!!! IM SOOO STINKING HAPPY RN☺☺☺☺ i just found out my wish came true like 2 days ago and im just so happy and shocked and thankful like Yaaaayyyyyy!!! i love this site it really works! Posted: Sep/27 Amy wrote: I was playing a game of tetris and after the round was finishes, I looked at the time and it said 8:08. Is this a sign? Posted: Sep/27 rava wrote: This site is pretty amazing to what the comments say so im going to give it my 110%! Posted: Sep/25 jen wrote: Hi this morning i just keep seeing things that add up to 8 Posted: Sep/25 Rachel wrote: OMG my wish came true yesterday!! This website really does work Posted: Sep/24 Kavitha wrote: This really works i wished for a job i want and followed the instructions in this website. surprisingly to me, it actually worked and i got the job i wished for Posted: Sep/24 christine wrote: so i was thinking about my wish positively while visiting my page and i looked at the time and it said 6:32 for a while..6+3+2=11 is this a sign?? Posted: Sep/23 wrote: Posted: Sep/22 SIGN!!! wrote: OMFG so I was thinking about my wish and I looked at the time and it said 7:04 and 7+4=11! Today is 9/22, and 22-11=11, that's 11:11. It seems a bit pushed, but I know it's a sign, I just do! Posted: Sep/22 Rii wrote: My wish came true. That's crazy! Thank you! I think this site is pretty legit. Posted: Sep/22 Dear DJR wrote: I would start again just to be safe. You should put as much as you can into your wishes. Posted: Sep/22 DJR wrote: HI... I HAVE A QUESTION. SEE,I SKIPED A DAY ON TELLING MY WISH ON THE MIRROR SO DO I HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN ? Posted: Sep/21 Daisy wrote: Oh My God I am sooooooooooooooo happy my wish came true i am agraphic designer i was having no order but when i wished i got many orders in week i am so happy its a miracle wooowww i earn money i am happy alot & will keep on wishing everytime this is a true authenticate site Thank you real -wishes Posted: Sep/19 Siddharth wrote: I still cant believe but its true. Its been 8 Months now my wish was fulfilled. Thank you so much. Posted: Sep/15 Mystery wrote: I feel these wierd senseations like the universe is working with me!THIS IS REAL GUYS! Posted: Sep/14 Rosilina wrote: I wished for myself to win a money sweepstakes and I won! It works! Posted: Sep/14 Katerina wrote: my first wish came true, it is done :) it works! But you need to believe! and you really need to let it go. Posted: Sep/13 Ruby wrote: OMG MY WISH CAME TRUE THIS SITE WORKS 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Sep/12 Imani wrote: I wished my boyfriend treated me like his girlfriend and it happened. He hugged me and everything. I felt like we were together!! THIS WEBSITE WORKS~~~ Posted: Sep/11 Emma wrote: My sister Grace wished for a nice day it came true? Posted: Sep/10 Taelor wrote: i finished my wish and looked at the clock it said 8:11 is it a sign Posted: Sep/9 Suzanne wrote: coming true in stages. I wished for ordinary things before I made my wish on here and it seems they are coming true..lol. So it's working in a roundabout way...mysteriously. Posted: Sep/7 Romina from chile wrote: this is my first day by making wishes I ask for the handsome blond mormon guy from new orleans who fell in love with in the past and I got a tarot reading and I was told that he will come back into my life. I can see signs. this site is amazing try this one www.changeyourlifespells.com too wow Posted: Sep/5 Suzanne wrote: My wish is slowly coming true...I have been seeing the number 1111 everywhere, in my workplace - a hospital lab, inputting patient details and the number of times a birthdate comes up with 11/11 as the day and month has been eye-opening. Uncanny things are happening too, coincidences etc..so I feel that I am being helped along by magical energy. So, I am positive that what I have wished for I will achieve. Thank you Real Wishes :-D Posted: Sep/5 JD wrote: I made a wish almost a week ago and I keep seeing 8 and 11. and it's now 8:11! Could this be a sign? Posted: Sep/3 dominick wrote: i just started it and its working its really working Posted: Aug/29 allison wrote: this is the best thing ever i wasnt sure if it was going to work but then two days after i started my wish two amazing things happened and im sure there is more to come. This is no joke just make sure you follow your instructions and it will definitely work. Thankyou so much i will recomend you to everyone. whoever you are thankyou. Posted: Aug/27 Mee wrote: This actually works....no joke. Posted: Aug/25 Katarina wrote: Guys, the website really does work. You just gotta believe. make a wish: http://www.real-wishes.com <a href="http://www.changeyourlifespells.com" title="Free magic spell that really works" name="Free magic spell that really works"><img src="http://www.real-wishes.com/images/wish-3.jpg" alt="Free magic spell that really works" title="Free magic spell that really works" /><br>Free magic spell that really works</a> Posted: Aug/25 just do it wrote: Guys it works just beleve make a real wish: http://www.real-wishes.com Posted: Aug/25 KarkatTheVantas wrote: My iPad just randomly turned on. It said 7:13. 7+1=8, and 8+3=11! Is that a sign? Posted: Aug/24 Spaceman wrote: Today was the first day of class for me and there was this teacher who taught for eight years or something like that and I looked at the clock it was 11:35. 3+5=8 and then I got eleven. Two eights and then a eleven. Are those signs? Posted: Aug/23 rehana wrote: wow when i was sitting next to the window on top of the sky in the cloud i saw a number eight but it was sideways and when my mom called and i came back to see it. it was gone.and then i was in my sister room and on the table i saw a rubberband twised as a number eight and then on the desk i was two rubberband and it was twisted as number eight.thats got to be a sign Posted: Aug/23 He who shall not be named wrote: It was 2:27 when I first opened up my wish page and after I was done sharing this website on social media it was 2:36. Is that a sign? 4+7=11 and 5+6=11! I guess this really is a sign. Posted: Aug/23 Billybo wrote: When i made my wish i looked at the time and it was 09:01. While i was typing this mesage the clock suddenly changed to 09:04. WTF Posted: Aug/22 christine wrote: My wish came true about getting into a new safe and secure apartment Im so happy !! This site really works you just have to believe Thank you real wishes thank you! Posted: Aug/22 Anonymus wrote: Right after I was finished watching a movie eariler today and when I looked at the clock, it was 11:11 AM. Could that be a sign? Posted: Aug/21 shall not be named wrote: everytime I look at the clock I see 11 or a 8 could this be a sign Posted: Aug/19 Julie wrote: Gosh I just saw a screenshot of my old wish on my PC. I wished for it five years ago, I wished to meet Steven Tyler =) Last year, four years later, I totally forgot about this site, it came true!!! I met him personally in front of his hotel <3 It was the best day of my life! Thank you so much!!!!!!! Posted: Aug/19 Maia wrote: I looked at my clock and it was 2:27!!!! 4+7=11 Posted: Aug/16 Anonymous or Anon or Whatever wrote: Well, I think this was a sign! When I looked at the clock, it was 2:19. It's August, so the month is 8. 19-8=11, I know it seems farfetched but somehow I knew it was a sign. Posted: Aug/13 Nicky wrote: So I've got a sign.. when I was counting my pencils to check them again..I ended up with 11. And when I looked into the screen to check the time it was 21:11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Aug/11 Markus wrote: My most recent wish came true in spades. It was job related and what was asked for was delivered. I have used this site before and every time I had a wish and followed directions my wish came true. YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULES! Don't deviate whatsoever. Start over if you must until you get it right. You may ask if I work for the site or have any affiliation, the answer is no. I found this site by accident and tried it on a whim and it works. That's all I have to say. Thanks sincerely to whom or whatever is delivering these results. Posted: Aug/11 All That And A Toilet wrote: i just made my wish and then i look down to see the date and its 8/11 that has got to be a sign also i see lots of 8's and 11's and numbers that add up to 8 or 11 these are signs right? Posted: Aug/10 Alex wrote: My fortune cookie said my lucky number is 8. Is that a sign? Also, whenever I think about my wish my head hurts bad and I feel warm. Posted: Aug/7 christine wrote: Yesterday as I held my paper to the sky I saw a flash or a shooting star and I also randomly woke up at 11:11 twice..are these signs?? Posted: Aug/7 abd wrote: My wish came true shortly after I made it. Thank you real wishes for helping me out, now I can further my education this semester instead of putting it on hold. It really means a lot to me, thank you so so much. Posted: Aug/6 Maria wrote: I have a website that tells me who visited my page, and among those people who vitied me, one of them was my crush. He visited my page on 8/3 at 3:23 pm. 8+3=11 and 3+2+3=8. Holy smokes! I think this is a sign! Posted: Aug/5 Joeseph wrote: Just today, I went out to town with my brother and my dad to our local store. I was hungry and I decided to buy myself something to eat. I bought 10 spicey wings for $7.90, a pizza stick for $1.29 and a classic coke for $1.89, that equals to $11.08. 7.90 + 1.29 + 1.89 = 11.08. Now that's a sign. Posted: Aug/4 1234 wrote: this is my 2nd day of wish yesterday something starange sparkled in the sky, is that the sign of wish coming true Posted: Aug/4 fafaaaa wrote: still remembered, seeing 8% battery life when i went onto my page i saw 23:30 = 11:30 i guess thats a sign... Posted: Aug/4 heidi cheng wrote: i love this website Posted: Aug/2 not yet wrote: i just wished and i looked at the clock and its 11:47. (4+7=11) ??? Posted: Aug/2 she who shall not be named wrote: wow some people here really need to start paying attention in math class Posted: Aug/2 marz wrote: Hey, I'm just wondering, is anyone else seeing random 8's while reading comments on youtube? Like, seeing an 8 below the username before the sentence starts? Or is it just me? O.o Posted: Aug/1 Aparna wrote: ok i have a question...........wat if i cant do the stuff at 11:11?? maybe im out or sleeping?will i have to start again? Posted: Jul/31 Hannah wrote: This site really works. I wished my mom could buy me enough rainbow loom bands to make something big, and SHE DID! THANK U! Posted: Jul/30 grace wrote: I am really excited!!! I've never actully won a fashion competition on star girl. I also wish that I could stop missing the time 11:11. any way you could help? Posted: Jul/29 Saru wrote: I finished a paper and straight after I checked the time and it was 2:58 pm. 5+3-2=11.Is this a sign? Posted: Jul/29 Damien wrote: OMG!!!! i could see signs of my wish coming true and 2 more days and don't forget the power of the 8 Posted: Jul/28 jasmyne wrote: i put n my wish 8 days ago i followed the instructions and my wish came true! this website is no lie i made a big wish and it came true!!!!!! its 11:11 and my wish just came true.Thank you power of 8 you made my life complete Posted: Jul/28 to Lilly wrote: 1. yes 2. I have done it from a window before. Just make sure moonlight hits it. 3.I've also whispered my wishes, as long as you're saying it I bet a whsiper is fine. 4. I believe it means to start your wish over again Posted: Jul/28 lilly wrote: i have a few questions, when its after 11:11 can u visit ur wish page? and when u hold ur number 8 card to the sky do u have to be outside? can u stick ur arm outside a window thats what i do..and when ur saying ur wish 8 times can u whisper it? and if u miss a day what does it mean by 'do it all over again' do u mean start the 8 days over again or.. Posted: Jul/27 Saru wrote: I was doing my work I looked at the time and it was 6:47pm. 4+7=11 so is this a sign? Posted: Jul/27 Saru wrote: I made my wish, went downstairs to the kitchen for 2 mins came back up for a minute went back down for a minute again went to the living room for a minute. I went back upstairs again and when I looked at the time it was 6:11 pm. Is this a sign? Posted: Jul/26 sayantika wrote: i see 11.11 somewhere.on the walls...after starting this method Posted: Jul/25 wrote: Posted: Jul/24 lydia wrote: i got two emails today related to my wish is that a sign?? and a person related to my wish texted me at 4:18 and then again at 4:58 pls tell me if those are signs Posted: Jul/24 GREEN APPLE wrote: iT'S been 4 years ago when I made a wish on this site.. and finally It happened! A long lost love come back to me! Posted: Jul/23 wrote: I lost my 8 card now I have to start over Posted: Jul/22 Happy :) wrote: I made my wish about a week ago, it's my last day today, yayy! Anyways, about two or three days ago I was looking for my headphones; when I found it, the cords were tangled as usual, but it was tangled into an eight! (I didn't do it btw) I was both shocked and surprised! I'm guessing that's a sign? :D Also about a few minutes ago, the site froze so did the clock. By the time it stopped it said 09:08 and then it started working again and it showed 09:11 :D Posted: Jul/21 dj wrote: ive been feeling more confident and strong about my wish. is this a sign? Posted: Jul/21 Kalyn wrote: OMG Okay so i was having a really hard time finding a job because Im only 16 and i have no experience, so i wished that I could get a job and now i have an interview on the 23th! I think this site really works. Posted: Jul/21 Hannah wrote: My cousin sent me a message and it came through at 13:31...1+3+3+1=8. And also I went onto my snapchat and it said there were 8 stories to view. Don't know if this is a sign though. Posted: Jul/21 claire wrote: i made a wish for my awful nasty sister in law to leave the family home so we can all be happy again, 6 days after the wish my partner said she hasnt been there for 6days now and his mum said they broke up. i was soo happy i kept seeing 11.11 and 8s alot this is real wish for the 2nd time :) xx Posted: Jul/20 Elizabeth wrote: OH MY GOSH! I keep seeing SOOO many 11's ansd 8's like, every two minutes! Its insane! Posted: Jul/19 brandon wrote: yeah i'm wanting to start my life over and i'm wondering if this website can make that happen? Posted: Jul/16 christian wrote: people be on here be like "OH MY GOD, I blinked 8 times and when i did it was 5:08, 5+8= 13 but i used 2 eyes to blink so 13-2 is 11 and if you count 11 for each eye then its 11:11. This MUST be a sign" Posted: Jul/16 Lexi wrote: 11:11 at night I said my wish. I decided to leave my paper at my window for the night. I crawl into bed at 11:18 and it starts raining, and it stops at 11:29. 11 minute difference. That's got to be a sign. Posted: Jul/15 Joy wrote: This site really works! I wished for long eyelashes and in a matter of days they were so long and thick. Thank you real wishes! Posted: Jul/14 jen wrote: I get signs like seeing 8:11 on the clock Posted: Jul/12 lucky girl wrote: im on my 5th day on my wish and when i started i saw three visions about my wish. its a pretty big wish. what great sighs :D Posted: Jul/10 Elizabeth wrote: I keep seeing 11's and 8's, and things that add up to 8 and 11. I KNOW my wish is going to be granted, WISH ME LUCK GUYS! Posted: Jul/9 oceangirl wrote: so today at 12:45 i was listening to a country song the eleventh one i've heard today and when it was about to end i turned on my phone and it whent ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss for eleven seconds so 11:11 and i've been seeing 8 and 11 when i close my eyes is my wish coming true Posted: Jul/3 shawty wrote: When i was holding the paper to the sky, i started getting visions of my wish. Pretty awesome Posted: Jul/3 sally wrote: yes! my wish came true! i found my phone! Posted: Jul/3 Heidi wrote: is me again !!! now is 8:55 (point at 11) again!!! this must be a sign for me and my wish. yesterday like that too!!!!! Posted: Jul/3 ciera wrote: yes it works omg me and me ex-boyfriend got back together yesterday Posted: Jul/2 Bop wrote: My wish came true, i thought it was almost impossible to succeed but i did. Thanks so much.. Posted: Jul/1 Starry Night wrote: I love it! My wish came true! Posted: Jul/1 Makenzie wrote: It's working!This site is so cool! Posted: Jul/1 READ THIS wrote: ok when i held my peice of paper up to the sky i saw this really shiny start, it was beutiful is this a sign? Posted: Jun/30 charlotte wrote: Omg this site is craycray! i wished for something! but then i started talking about my wish! i started to see less 8's and 11's but when the day came my wish was less powerful, i wished to come first in a running race but i came 2nd, remember dont talk about your wish! but anyways this site does work! Posted: Jun/30 Sierra wrote: Today i started my wish and the times is 3:09!3+9=11! And also whenever i close my eyes all I can see is 11! This must be a sign! Posted: Jun/29 Snowflake wrote: After the 8 days, I think I'm seeing visions relating to my wish, I feelf funny. Is this a sign? Posted: Jun/28 wrote: So in the summer i was ging into 8th i wished for me and my best guy friend at the time to be in the same class as me then in 9th grade he was in my class but we had a fall out in 8th grade so it was werid because he was in there. but all of that my wish came true Posted: Jun/27 Jonathan wrote: Things started going strange lately. Whenever I hold my 8 to the sky for 1 or 2 two minutes, wind started to blow right on it everytime I do this. And also, I've been seeing a lot of 8s and some 11s everywhere. I bet this is a sign!!! Posted: Jun/27 wrote: Posted: Jun/25 mirae wrote: omg so when i went to hold my paper up to the sky for 2 minutes the light outside my window turned off as soon as i held up my paper but when 2 minuted was up and i took away my paper from the window the light turned back on.... is this a sign? Posted: Jun/24 Anonymous wrote: My wish came true!! Holy cow! thank you so much! Posted: Jun/23 Heather wrote: I have been seeing a lot of 8 and 11 more....it's making me really happy because I know it is a sign!!! :-). This site really does work just have believe and have faith Posted: Jun/22 thatonekpop*wannabe wrote: (I know I've been posting a lot, but I just have a lot of questions since I'm kind of doubtful about this yet I still believe it at times..That may sound weird, but it's like it's an on and off believing.) So, I did the nightly routine of holding my paper up to the moonlight, and while I was halfway done, there was thunder and the wind started picking up. Is this a sign? Posted: Jun/22 mia wrote: half of my wish came true i cant wait the rest! Posted: Jun/22 thatonekpopfangirl wrote: It started raining with thunder around the time I need to check my wish page.....Is this a sign??? Posted: Jun/21 thatonekpopfangirl wrote: So, if you get this warm feeling whenever you think about your wish and/or what will happen after your wish, is that a sign? Posted: Jun/21 TAELOR wrote: I LOOKED AT THE CLOCK AFTER I VISITED MY WISH PAGE FOR THE 7TH DAY AND IT WAS 8 11 OMGGGGGG Posted: Jun/19 me wrote: Hello, so I just now did the thing where I hold my 8 paper up to the sky and when I finished, the trees started blowing lightly. Is this a sign? Also, my clock says 8:30. 8+3=11. Is this also a sign? Posted: Jun/19 Jorja wrote: I woke up this morning and found a water stain across my 8 paper, I think this could be a sign!:D Posted: Jun/18 B wrote: MY WISH CAME TRUE!! I PASSED MY FINAL EXAM!! Posted: Jun/17 Rachel wrote: Just made a wish and I looked up at the clock and it said 5:33! (3+3=6, 6+5=11!) Then i looked up again and it was 5:34 ((5x3)-4=11!) Now i realize the day is the 17, (1+7=8) Posted: Jun/16 ZJP wrote: Ok so I just did my wish like at 1:00 and just 2 hours later I feel so light headed and my whole body aches SOO bad....is that a sign? Posted: Jun/16 Rhonda wrote: This site is unbelievable. My wish came true in 3 days. I wished this guy would return my romantic feelings and he did. Now we are talking about moving in together. Thanks! Posted: Jun/15 Melone Wolf wrote: I wished I could be Alex from Wassabi Productions and have a lot of subscribers. My wish came true in a different way though. I started posting videos, skits, challenges, and I have reached 26! I compard myself to WP and itsall so real Posted: Jun/14 D.M.W wrote: Is anyone else having problems with making a wish? Like it keeps cycling back to the start where you put in your sign and birth date? Posted: Jun/14 Donut wrote: Hey Donut back and I just got three for signs O.O first i checked the time and it was 5:11! next i checked the time it was 5:29 2+9=11! third I JUST checked the time and it was 5:33! 3+3=6 6+5=11!! Its working!! Posted: Jun/14 Donut wrote: I was reading some stories. Then right before my eyes i checked the time it was 4:18! I blinked and it was 4:19.. It's a sign. It is working.. Thank you :) Posted: Jun/14 Hannah wrote: I made my wish then went to the home page then I looked at the time and it was 1:21. 11x11=121. Is this a sign!!!! Posted: Jun/13 prefer not to say wrote: i wished for my favorite boy group to visit my city and i can met them one day and it came true a few months later! the sad part is i didnt get to go to their fan meet but they were in my city for about 24 hours...aha. Posted: Jun/13 Heather wrote: I started again yesterday and already today I have been seeing a lot of 8's and 11's I know it's a sign :-) This site is great!! Posted: Jun/13 wrote: Posted: Jun/10 Anya wrote: LOVE THIS WEBSITE Posted: Jun/10 wrote: Posted: Jun/9 wrote: To Jess: I wounder the samething too.I think as long you believe and have faith it should be okay :-). I think some people wishes do take couple minutes to say because I'm sure some people have big wishes. Just as long you start at the time 11:11 I think it will work. Just have faith. Posted: Jun/9 Jess wrote: What if i start recycling my wishes at 11.11 but i took more than a minute to say my wishes 8 times, will it still work? Do I have to restart all over again? Posted: Jun/7 Chicano wrote: My wish actually came true! I got a call from the place I applied to and it will help guide me to my future career as a graphic designer! Thank you so much! Posted: Jun/7 anonymous wrote: so i wished for something i knew wasnt inpossible but would maybe be kind of hard to grant and it came true! thanks you real wishes! you are angels in disguise! <3 Posted: Jun/6 heather wrote: I have been seeing a lot of 8's and some 11's and I feeling some kind of joy inside of me :). Is that a sign? Oh yes for people who think that these comments are from people who own this site think again I don't own this site so these are real people who are telling you the truth. You just need to have faith and believe Posted: Jun/6 Cat wrote: Omg seeing mostly 8's now, even if i go of course a bit i still see them! ITS AMAZING ! Posted: Jun/5 Raymond wrote: I wishd to get my friend's Facebook profile. I was missing him from the last day of school. This is the 2nd day, and it came true! I got his Facebook profile! i'm tearing up right now! Thank you SO much Real Wishes! YOu changed everything! Posted: Jun/3 MAGIC wrote: just as i visited dis site for the second day, i saw on my laptop the recharge balance in MB. it was 2002. the figure is very very important for my wish. thank you God. i know its a sign :) thanks for helping :) Posted: May/31 wrote: If your feeling joy inside but you don't know what it is does that mean it's working? Plus today I had been seening a lot of 8 and some 11 Posted: May/31 Kayley wrote: if I say my wish 8 times but whispering in a small mirror , it works? Posted: May/31 sara wrote: omg my wish came true first i thought it wasnt going to come but it did!! Posted: May/31 jm wrote: omg!!!this website is amazing I wish that I can do telekinesis and it work Posted: May/30 Angie wrote: hey i have a question what do you do if you loose the paper with the 8 on it? i needed 2 more days i would hate to start all over. Posted: May/29 Immy wrote: I found water on my 8 paper that only covered the 8. Could it be a sign?! Posted: May/28 Juliette wrote: I asked for love from this amazing guy and that he'll come to my formal but it never happened. instead, the exact minute after 8 days, i had the courage to confront him about it. and then, i discovered his true feelings and i even managed to express my feelings for him as well. i have never been happier. but it still hurt me because he didn't love me. but at least now, we are still friends and he knows what hes done to break my heart but now, thanks to the wish, i realised that we love each other in a different way, talking and laughing. Posted: May/26 Jennifer wrote: I saw 8:11 in just one glimpse. I know its a sign Posted: May/26 arjun nandakumar wrote: in my 8 page a pattern was made by water stains which looks exactly like the pattern on the first page of this website .Is it a sign .I feel confident Posted: May/25 Tay wrote: I just found a tiny 8 krimpled into my paper... Its working I tell you!! OMGGGG!!!! Posted: May/24 Anonymouswaffles wrote: Haha I see the number 11 on my 8 Paper too, it's just below the middle of the 8 but it's REALLY tiny. Posted: May/24 TayTay wrote: I am getting excited because I see 8s and 11s everywhere even on my 8 paper!!! Its starting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: May/24 11s EVERYWHERE wrote: On the paper with the eight I see 11s krimpled into my paper!! I KNOW IT'S A SIGN!!!!!!!! Posted: May/23 Katherine wrote: Oh my god...MY CRUSH ACTUALLY KISSED ME! It happened excactly like my wish. First he asked me to meet him at the park and BAM! Thank you SO SO SO much Real Wishes! Posted: May/23 anna wrote: right after i made my wish and did the 11:11 thing in the morning i started to get the hiccups is that a sign? (btw still have them now) Posted: May/21 Jade wrote: My wish came true after the first day!!! I wished that I would get a high paying job this summer and the next day, I got called for an interview and start working in two weeks!! Blessed be this site!! )O( Posted: May/20 Addy wrote: my wish did came true, it was a while after the 8 days but it was worth it! blessed be this site! its pure magic! Posted: May/18 kj wrote: it works i said i wish for mortal kombat x and my wish came true thank you real_wishes . com Posted: May/18 anon xx wrote: omgg!! my wish came true- i passed my exam and i'm getting and admission there! Posted: May/17 Holly wrote: I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if losing the piece of paper with the 8 on it will mess up my wish??? should I start it over?? Posted: May/17 CN wrote: My wish came true yesterday! After waiting for awhile I was beginning to give up on my wish, but then it finally happened! I had a great time! Posted: May/15 leah wrote: i wished for my best guy friend to break up with his girlfriend who was no good for him after they were on and off. anyways, he came right back to me after they broke up and i couldn't be happier. we're close again!!! thank you so much!!!!!! i am soooo happy! :) Posted: May/15 Mary wrote: Did anyone wish to become a movie star randomly and it came true? Posted: May/14 Steffu wrote: Last Thursday I accidentally upset a friend and I was afraid she wouldn't speak to me again. For days, I cried and got depressed and sad because I was afraid she wasn't going to talk to me again. But JUST today, she's started talking again and we were making each other laugh and joke around and she's even made me happy in return. Posted: May/11 grace wrote: olny half of my wish came ture on the 4th day but it came true on the 8th day. Posted: May/11 supergirl wrote: my wish is coming true!!! i see 8 and 11 with a greater frequency!!! and i got a horoscope stating a beautiful, smart, and loving person will be coming into my life!!!! Posted: May/10 anonymous wrote: tis actually works omg on the fifth day my ex asked to meet up :D so happy thank you soooo much!!!! i love this site so much its unreal <3 Posted: May/10 tierra wrote: omg!!! one of my wishes came true. Im freaking out!! Posted: May/8 wrote: I made a wish a year back on here to get back a girl i loved. It came true 5 days after i made the wish this works Posted: May/7 lily wrote: me again is it a sign if lots of things = 8 or = 11? and right now is 19:51 9 + 1 +1 = 11 so is this a sign to Posted: May/7 lily wrote: i'v seen loads of 11s and 8s in my maths test at home is this a sign? Posted: May/6 dream wrote: I'm seing signs everywhere just after making my wish, amazing. Posted: May/5 wrote: Posted: May/5 ariyana h wrote: i need to restart the mirror thing to Posted: May/5 Avery wrote: I made my wish yesterday and right after, something kinda possitive happened, but I forgot the mirror part. I am starting again, so far what is normal, hasn't even happened. Is something wrong? Posted: May/1 New life wrote: my wish came true, I found my missing purse with my phone (unbroken) in my math class. But I know for a fact I went to fashion club after math class. Its wierd because i told my wish to find at school tomorrow (friday). Thank You Real Wish! I forever hold the eight power inside of me. Posted: Apr/30 Jennifer wrote: After I made my wish, I immediately start to experience strange things. My friend twisted his ankle, my teacher threw up during class and now there is an olympic competition that was never attended in my school. These all happened right after I made my wish. Is this a sign? Posted: Apr/30 Anonymous wrote: I actually have a question to ask: If we happen to see a passing full moon and then it suddenly disappears (all this happening just a day after throwing away the paper with my written wishes), could this be a sign that my wish might be on its way to coming true? Posted: Apr/26 Trini Honey D Queen wrote: well i saw 11:11 on my laptop, as soon as i finish making my wish on the wish list, i freak out lol then i was like waw amazing,but i wrote down the 8 then i look in the mirror and say my wish 8 times ,but i was scared to go out side lol because i thought is was some kind of mom-bo-jom-bo lol then i decided to continue on today ,toke my 8 to the moon then did the 30sec twice because i miss the first one will it still work? Posted: Apr/26 Trini Honey D Queen wrote: on the first day one of my wish came true Posted: Apr/26 Power Girl wrote: Has anybody wished for any power/ablities and it came true?If so how do u use them? Posted: Apr/26 faith wrote: its me again ... so my wish should be coming true today so fingers crossed omg you dont understand this could save my life Posted: Apr/25 Yaya ández wrote: ASDFGHJKJHJHJHDJFK SO INCREDIBLY AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE I dont know if this is a sign but, when i was holding my paper at night, something flashed in the sky like 3 times! it looked like a lighting but there was no clouds in the sky, it was a very starry night! OMG i am soooo excited Posted: Apr/25 Jeni Iyengar wrote: Yesterday, I wished to get a new iPhone 5S ,and the day after I wished, it came true! Thank you so much ! Posted: Apr/23 Christine wrote: From the time I made my wish I've been seeing a lot of 8 and 11s..is this a sign?? Posted: Apr/22 AliaTheKpopper88 wrote: Omygee when i look at the time on my phone it's 9:29 so 9+2=11 2+9=11 is this also a sign? Posted: Apr/21 Daisy wrote: I asked for work i got many orders on the second day itself it was change in my work and i earned what asked for Thank you very much only my wish came true but sad to say My dad & bro they still awaiting for the wish to complete Posted: Apr/20 Alondra Aguilar Jimenez wrote: my wish came true! i wished for my dad to give me a iphone 6 and it came true!!! Posted: Apr/19 wrote: Posted: Apr/18 Wishful wrote: Does it matter if the moon is actually out? I was going to start my wishing process but I didn't see the moon, will it still work because technically I was still in the moonlight. Posted: Apr/18 Angelique.K. wrote: Okay, so I made my wish yesterday and all day at school I kept seeing 8's and 11's then at home I was on this site that has 11:11 at the end of it. But, my point is I have been coming here for years and I HAVE NEVER seen as many 8's and 11's as I did the day I made my wish is it a sign? Posted: Apr/16 SUPERELEMENTALGIRL wrote: ITS 8:11 IS THIS A SIGN?! Posted: Apr/16 SUPERELEMENTALGIRL wrote: ME AGAIN,ITS 8:00 now.is it a sign? Posted: Apr/16 SuperElementalGirl wrote: my wish came true! thank u realwishes.com your awesome.8 is my favorite number and its powerful but GOD is the powerful one! but any ways thank u very much! Posted: Apr/13 Please Help? wrote: I accidentally left my paper for about 4 minutes or less. Do I have to start it over? And about the 11:11, in the morning, in the night, both or it doesnt matter aslong as I do it once a day????? Posted: Apr/12 Natalie wrote: I made a wish to find my twin flame in 80 days and it happened 79 days later.. 8 has always been my lucky number and his is 4, our number is 84 :) thank you universe Posted: Apr/11 sophie wrote: when u hold the 8 in the mirror and say ur wish 8 times does it have to be said within the minute or start at 11:11 and take like 3 minutes Posted: Apr/10 Tierra wrote: I have been following the instructions for2 days now. I was focusing my eyes on this star in the sky while holding the paper/s with the 8 on it. The star has been in the same place for the last 2 days its been flickering really bright. Is that a sign? Posted: Apr/10 AZNxBadger wrote: omg my wish came true.. thank you so much.. wwowowoow!! Posted: Apr/10 KittyCatKitKat wrote: It is a sign, Sophie <(^_^)> Posted: Apr/10 sophie wrote: the time is 13:43 1+3+4+3=11 is this a sign or am i lookin too much into it Posted: Apr/10 sophie wrote: came on and it was 11:08 does this count as a sign Posted: Apr/10 errie wrote: no i dont think you have to start over. as long as you dont lose the paper i think its fine. Posted: Apr/10 Claire wrote: I wished for my eyes to change color, they used to be brown, there green now with brown just around the pupil. It happened over a course of a few months after I made my wish though. Posted: Apr/9 Paper with the 8 on it falled into pieces, do I have to start over? wrote: If the paper with the 8 on it starts to fall appart because the paper is old, do I have to start over again? I kinda taped it together, is that ok? Posted: Apr/9 wrote: my wish came true thank you!!! Posted: Apr/9 KittyCatKitKat wrote: Hey guys that reminds me a long time ago when I made a wish I discovered a special trick for when you complete the Moonlight step: There was no moonlight that night so then I held up my paper to the sky for one minute; As I whispered my wish, concentrating on the brighest star in the sky, the wind picked up (and it was dead silent before I did so). Try it tonight and see if that helps <(^_^)>. Posted: Apr/9 Brie wrote: So I fell asleep with my 8 paper in my pocket and when I woke up it was in my hand I dunno how it happened but its creepy!!!! I dunno if its a sign or what but it was creepy!!! I'm excited and scared lol!!! Posted: Apr/9 Kimberly wrote: So I raised my 8 paper up to the sky, and lightning flashed! This is a sign! Posted: Apr/7 Miyah wrote: So my wish page says I have 6 more days in a row and I checked the time and it said 11:29! 11: 2+9=11! So really it says 11:11! Is that a sign? Plus i do the 11:11 both am and pm. Posted: Apr/7 cams wrote: im really REALLY freaked out right now because when i held the paper to the sky there was no moon and few stars. when i reached the 90-second mark i think i saw lightning flash until the 2 minutes ended. is this a sign?? Posted: Apr/6 HELP PLEASE wrote: Okay, so I forgot to do the 11:11 step. What do I do? Do I say the wish 16 times, do I say my wish 8 times at both 11:11am and pm or do I start over? And if I do start over, how? Posted: Apr/5 Dante wrote: As soon as i submitted my wish, i checked the time on my watch, 6:55... 6+5=11! 5+6+11! This a sign? Posted: Apr/5 KittyCatKitKat wrote: No, "INeedHelp", in fact it doesn't really matter whether you put your 8 Paper to the sky before or after you complete the 11:11 step. You just leave it in the moonlight for 30 seconds and if there is no moonlight just hold the paper up to the sky for 60 seconds. If there is little moonlight where you live, just hold it to the sky for 120 seconds. I don't believe that you have to start over. Posted: Apr/4 I Need Help wrote: Do you have to restart if you put the 8 paper up in to the sky first? I accidentally did that and then checked my wish page... Posted: Apr/3 Gilbert wrote: OMG i see my clock afer i press submit wish its 8:14 8+4=12 12-1= 11! Posted: Apr/1 wisher wrote: omg! When I looked at my clock after I did my wish, it was 9:56 and the next time it was 2:00. 9+2=11 and 5+6+11 Is this a sign?!?! Posted: Mar/31 Jazmine wrote: Omfg this is so creepy. I keep getting 8's and 11's on my tumblr ;-;!! It really does work!! Posted: Mar/31 Jonathan wrote: I checked the clock, and it is 7:13. 3+1=4, and 4+7=11. Is this a sign? Posted: Mar/31 Jonathan wrote: I checked the time and it is 7:13. 3+1=4, and 7+4+11 on the first day. Could this be a sign? Posted: Mar/30 ja wrote: i have a question if you say your wish at i different time cuz u miss 11:11 do you have to start over Posted: Mar/30 Dammit wrote: I missed the 11:11 for the 2nd time, gonna start over agaaaiinnnn dammit Posted: Mar/30 Stephanie wrote: MY WISH CAME TRUE THE FIRST DAY!!! Can't say what it was though! THANK YOU REAL-WISHES!! I'M SOOOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!! :DDDD Posted: Mar/29 Christine wrote: After making my wish I checked the time and it was 6:50...6+5=11. is this a sign?? Posted: Mar/28 kiana wrote: call me crazy but i just signed up and i was reading the comments and i saw that everyone is saying they checked the clock it has something to do with 11 or 8. i was like...thats bull8888. they are taking this too seriosly. what the heck! i am gonna check it too. so i saw my clock ant it was 12:23 . 3-2=1 and 12-1=11 ! HOLY CoW! Posted: Mar/27 ily wrote: hi my wish came true the guy i love , LOVES me back thank you :) Posted: Mar/26 Snowflake wrote: At EXACTLY 4:52, I got an email. Those numbers add up to 11. Is that a sign? Posted: Mar/23 shiv wrote: just now saw the time itz 3:17 whichz 3 + 1 + 7 =11 wow!! just 3 hrs ago made the wish now suddenly saw time its 3 17 Posted: Mar/22 Anna wrote: A few minutes ago I checked the clock, and it was 11:01 PM. Later I looked at the clock again, and it was 11:11 PM. I think this is a sign that my wish (the 8 days of my wish ended today) is coming true, isn't it? :D Posted: Mar/22 Absolutely Flawless wrote: I missed the 11:11 today , does that mean I have to start the wish again because the website says I have 7 days left. HElp ? Posted: Mar/22 Silver Wishes wrote: I looked at the clock right after I wrote my 8 card and saw the time 11:29. I knew that this was a sign because 2+9=11!!! The time basically showed 11:11! This website is so true, and I can't wait for my wish to become a reality! Posted: Mar/20 Passionate-Lover- wrote: I made a wish about this guy, and ive got a few days left, but after i finished saying my wish in the mirror and came on fb, he logged in straight away. Is that a sign? Posted: Mar/20 Anna wrote: Well, I still have 2 more days to go until the 8 days of my wish are complete, and I keep seeing 8's and 11's. And it happened again this morning: when I check the clock on my phone, it was 11:11 AM :D Posted: Mar/19 Ari wrote: It's my last night saying my wish & I keep seeing 11 & 8 this has to be a sign OMG I'm so HAPPY Posted: Mar/18 Anna wrote: And once again this morning, when I looked at the clock on my phone, it was 11:11 AM. So, yes, I'm somehow seeing the hour 11:11 with a greater frequency, so it is a sign that my wish is coming true :D Posted: Mar/16 stephanie wrote: ok. so i think this website really works. i say that because right after i made the wish the time was 5:06 5+6=11 is that a sign? Posted: Mar/15 Anna wrote: I made a wish on this site some time ago, and when I finished, the time was 11:11 PM. And today, when I looked at the clock on my phone, it was 11:11 AM. Are these signs that my wish is coming true? Posted: Mar/14 isabella wrote: omg it actually came true Posted: Mar/14 Anonymous Caller wrote: I wished that on the 14th and 18th of March (my birthday is 18th) I would find £5000, and then I got £5000 today!!! And, no, I'm no bot. STUPID TIIIIME!!! It's 20:09 (2+9=11, Is this a sign?) NO, It is just a frickin coincidence, and 9+4-1 isn't 11, idiots. It's 12 Posted: Mar/13 misseskent wrote: I was really suprised this morning when my wish came true. :) Posted: Mar/12 Sekar wrote: This really works! Thank you so much! Posted: Mar/10 Hannah wrote: I wished an an IMPOSSIBLE wish, and last night I had a vision. Everywhere I looked I saw 11:11. The moon got bright by the minute, and then i saw 11:11 on it...is this a sign that my wish is coming true? Posted: Mar/9 Jonathan wrote: I looked at the clock and it said 11:21 PM. If I add 1=2. which is 3, and 11-3=8, would that actually be as sign? Posted: Mar/9 wrote: WOW this totally works. at first i thought it wouldn't work but then it did Posted: Mar/8 lisa wrote: i made a wish today look at the time and it was 11:18 8+1+1+1= 11 is this a sign Posted: Mar/7 anon wrote: is it ok if i messed up on a few word in my wish its really long and i got a little confused also is it ok that my wish takes over 2 minutes to say 8 times Posted: Mar/7 Jonathan wrote: To: Real Wishes Is it a sign when I see a moonlight on the sky? What would happen when the wish is finally granted? Just wondering. Posted: Mar/7 Ava wrote: dear be a believer, i woud start over otherwise its just a waste of time. Posted: Mar/6 VeryLucky:) wrote: my wish havent cam true yet. well my 2 wishes i should say. i did too. and they r in progress right now. im very excited ive been seeing 8's alot. like today in school this morning out of nowhere i got and ipad and it was numbered 8 in the corner. and i just smiled cause i know its a sign. Posted: Mar/5 be a believer!!!! wrote: ok so i forgot to bring my 8 card for a few minutes. do i have to start over?????? Posted: Mar/4 Robin wrote: My wish is 1/4 complete the girl i like is starting to talk to my best friend out of the blue who is also a girl. OMG so cool. Posted: Mar/4 kat wrote: my wish didnt coome true :( i'm starting to believe i just wasted my time Posted: Mar/4 nicole wrote: I never believed my wish would come true I wished I could get high scores in my quizzes without studying and it came TRUE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Mar/4 jeremiah wrote: i made a wish 2day and when i checked the time it was 12:32, 1+2=3, 3+2=5, 3+5=8, is my wish coming true or working =D Posted: Mar/2 marcie wrote: i can't believe it at all - my wish came true, i got into my top choice of university, when i really didn't think i had a chance of getting in!!!! it's unbelievable, i'm so happy!! :D Posted: Mar/1 To Jemma, wrote: Yes I would start over, just to be on the safe side. Posted: Mar/1 jemma wrote: Do I have to start over if i say the wish wrong when saying it 8 times into the mirror for the 1minute at 11:11? Posted: Feb/28 to hannah wrote: yes but you'll have to wait until the next day to start all over . Posted: Feb/28 Uyen wrote: My wish came true Thank you real wish for supporing me. Thank you and thank you so much Posted: Feb/27 Phoenix wrote: please tell me what your wish was and if it came true Posted: Feb/26 Hannah wrote: My wish pages are having day counting problems? Does anyone know what could be going on? Will I have to start over? Posted: Feb/26 Hannah wrote: I need some help. I keep having problems with the number of days changing. I'll visit the page and it will change to the next number but if I go to the page again its back at the number before and goes down again! Will it lose count? Do I have to start over? Posted: Feb/25 Lena wrote: realwishes.com is: Reliable Effective Awesome Legendary Welcoming Impressive Sup erb Helpful Easy Special Posted: Feb/25 Hannah wrote: Oh my gosh! Nevermind! I looked back at the pages and they were at 2 like they were supposed to be! Maybe a sign my wishes are coming true and its working?!?! Posted: Feb/25 Kylee wrote: The first night I was doing the moonlight, I kept seing like a million stars kept flashing on & on & on & on! Though when I was finished, there was no stars....(I help it for 1 minute since there was a moon, just with clouds going over it! I was also staring at the moon & opened my window on the 3rd story-the highest level, in my house) Posted: Feb/24 xxx wrote: My wish came true! I wished for a puppy and found it on the street... my parents agreed to take it home! I have an adorable pup now named Prince! Posted: Feb/23 Madi wrote: MY WISH CAME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE BUT IT CAME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Feb/23 Mele wrote: ok so been visiting my wish page for the past 8 days...today was the last...and guess what? My wish came true today Awesome! Posted: Feb/22 Myler wrote: This website is amazing, I have made two wishes and both came true. On Valentine's day my wish came true and he kissed me. Now, he has just told me that he really likes me and he has invited me to see Once with him. Posted: Feb/21 Wolf wrote: I looked at the clock and it was 5:42 then I took a nap for a bit and when i woke up it was 7:10! 5+4+2=11 and 7+1=8! SIGN????????? Posted: Feb/21 Angie wrote: I was reading the comments about all the number coincidences and was like maybe my date/time etc will add up funny? psh, yeah right. I started adding 2/21/15 and passed 8 and was like NOPE..wait THAT'S 11. The time was 7:22 and I realized that adds up to 11 too. That's 11:11. no joke this is weird. Posted: Feb/21 believe wrote: i cant believe it came true there was this hard test you had to pass to graduate my friends and i failed so did a lot of people in our grade guess what you dont have to pass the test anymore! miracle Posted: Feb/19 ellie_6500 wrote: i made my first ever wish last night there was no moonlight but as i was saying it a massive gust of wind came is that a sign but i onnly se 8 and some 11' is that a sign? Posted: Feb/18 Jeannee wrote: I've made a wish a few days ago. When I looked at the clock, it was 8:08. When I looked at the clock again, it was 8:11. Could it be...a vision? Posted: Feb/18 Me wrote: Today I was at work to ask my manager's approval by system, it always have a random system approval number. Then he came with a pieces of paper tha filled with system's approval number S 038888. WOW...!!! And this afternoon I did download a scanner software, and it's serial number is N1111N... Coincident or that was a sign that my wish working? Posted: Feb/17 Heather wrote: This is only the second day but my fingertips feel tingly and i see the time 11 and 8 all the time. Is this a sign??? Posted: Feb/17 Ez wrote: My wish was about my boyfriend & I...I wasnt expecting to hear from him tonight (he is away on a course) & as I was submitting my wish, out of the blue he text me! I'm praying this is a sign it may work? :) xx Posted: Feb/17 SC wrote: Been using this website for a bit now. I did this wish and i got a vision of a man that popped up when I was saying my wis at 1111. He said "Believe in yourself and anything is possible" then he dissappeared. Is that a sign??!! ANd when i made my wish it was 8:21 8+2+1=11 !! And ive been seeing more 8s. You know. 8/8888=1111 in maths today. i had 8 people playing tigi and at the end of recess i had 11 people playing. 8 people had to go out of class for some footy training today. Are they all signs? Posted: Feb/16 i am so confused wrote: i made a wish to be able to control water. i lookes at the clock and it said 1:43. i went to the bathroom and when i came back it said 1:46. now its 2/16 and 1:49 (9+4=12. 12-1=11) sign???????????????????? Posted: Feb/16 Miss Anonymous wrote: Omg I looked and it was 21:17, 2+1+1+7=11. OMG IS THAT A SIGN? IT'S WORKING Posted: Feb/15 Courtney wrote: OMG!! WOW!! I looked at the date on my lapton and it's the 16th! 16 divided by 2 is 8!! Is this a sign!! Does it mean this is working!! Posted: Feb/15 wrote: I felt a shock come threw me is that a sign? Posted: Feb/14 YOLO! wrote: I just started a new wish my 8 paper got ripped on my last one Posted: Feb/13 Aliyah wrote: : 0 wow im geting this thing i just cheked the clock 4:08 12-4=8 AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted: Feb/12 little rose wrote: how can i know when is my wish coming true? Posted: Feb/12 Katherine wrote: I have a question today - the quote that starts with, "When we do the best we can in life..." then the page closed as I was viewing. Does anyone know how this quote ends? It was perfect, and the first thing I read this morning. Posted: Feb/11 adabso wrote: when I opened my page, time was 8:03 i.e. 8+3= 11, is it a sign? Posted: Feb/11 omg it is wrote: 5:33 5+3+3=11 it is a sign Posted: Feb/10 Cece wrote: OMG OMG I was just looking at th clock and it said 8:21 which means 8+1=9+2=11 is this a sign Posted: Feb/10 wrote: Right after I submitted one of my wishes I saw a very faint brief flash of blue light over my right shoulder. Awesome!! Posted: Feb/9 elisha wrote: once i looked at the clock and it's 8:58 p.m.! 8+8=16 and 16-5= 11!!!!!!!!! Posted: Feb/9 anon wrote: my wish is halfway true. all the steps leading to it are slowly coming true... :) Posted: Feb/9 otakus4lyfe wrote: Is it okay if you say your wish more than once or do you have to start over? Posted: Feb/8 taylor wrote: i saw the time and it was 8:30. 8+3=11. is that a sign? Posted: Feb/8 Gwen wrote: OMG I LOOKED AT THE CLOCK AND IT WAS 5:24! 5+2+4=11!!!! ALSO IT WAS THE 8th WHEN I MADE A WISH!!! ARE THESE SIGNSS?!?! Posted: Feb/7 Vanessa wrote: I lost my paper where i had the number 8 on the last day. I guess I have to start over again. :( Posted: Feb/6 Mack wrote: i wish for a beautyful women in my life and it came true this site is great and really cool Posted: Feb/5 YelloGello wrote: Ok..... I looked at the clock and it was 1:19! 1+1+9=11. So cool!!! It is a sign right? Posted: Feb/5 Silvia wrote: This works! I am a boy and I wish I was a girl, and now I'm a real girl! Posted: Feb/4 wrote: My wish looks like is coming true. I did try the second time since i forgot to open the bookmark for just a day. I started all over again. And on the same day my boyfriend who was turning to a cold turkey with me suddenly called me. texted, and emailed me. I was in a complete surprise... I am still continuin on with the process even if i got wish fulfilled. You need to have faith. Posted: Feb/2 queston5.0 wrote: Is it ok if I just vist my w*** page because I'v been on this site before and have tried and honesty i am starting to think this website is just a joke and I'm saving mself from disappointment and sadness because there is probably no magic and no I haven't had any visions ;( Posted: Feb/1 Lizzie wrote: So, I just made my wish. And when i was typing in my wish a sign sorta already happened. I was typing it in and, the wish thing said 7812 wishes left. right before i hit submiit the thing went to 7811. is this a sign I NEED TO KNOW!! :O Posted: Feb/1 lisabump. o3o wrote: hasn't been granted yet, but once i made a cake wish and it came true. Posted: Feb/1 Alexia wrote: I decided to start my wish over bc I kept forgetting my 8 card. but Im starting tomorrow. Posted: Jan/31 AWESO<ME <CORUU> wrote: OMG i check the time and it say 10:19 1+1+9=11!!! Is that a SIGN? Posted: Jan/31 MSP wrote: omg im so scared i looked at the clock it was 9:20 20-9 = 11 its this a sign? Posted: Jan/30 Mya wrote: I checked my clock and it said 11:33. 1+1+3+3= 8 And I checked my clock again and it said 11:36. 1+1+3+6= 11 Are both of these signs? Posted: Jan/29 S=M wrote: Does it still work if the eight ripped or do you have to start over? Posted: Jan/28 kmr wrote: i wish to be a famous person, after one year i shockhed that am writing thoughts and i become a lover of writing thoughts and i started to finish my novle and am starting to be a famous person. am happy . Posted: Jan/27 Szene Sophia wrote: Omg! I checked the clock again and it was 20:42. 2+0+4+2=8!!! Posted: Jan/27 Szene Sophia wrote: So i was cheking what other ppl were saying about their wishes, and i looked at the clock, it was 20:27, and 2+0+2+7=11. Suddenly, the clock turns 20:2'8' Is this a sign? Posted: Jan/27 Mia wrote: If I asked my desire at 15:37, would have to start tomorrow to reflect the number in the mirror and all that? Posted: Jan/26 Deeps wrote: Oh my god! My wish came true! It was so unexpected and so unlikely but it came true! Posted: Jan/26 Max wrote: Ok, so I've been putting a lot of energy into my 8 card. It's the last day of my wish page, and when I got home to do the final wish page visit, I discovered that I lost my card. My horoscope said that I would feel like I recieved bad news, but it really won't be. Do I have to start over? Or did my card create the paradox itself? Posted: Jan/25 Liz wrote: Hey, So I just put in my wish and I was really hot before but after I submitted my wish I got really cold for no reason, also Right as I submitted it the clock turned to 10:11 does this mean anything? Posted: Jan/24 sc wrote: i keep seeing the number 8 and 11 everywhere mainly in other different numbers that adds up to 8 and 11 and i feel like these are signs. Posted: Jan/23 Unknown wrote: Is it a sign that when it turned straight away to 11:11 and i ran up to the mirror to the repeating part and came back and saw the clock as 11:12? Posted: Jan/23 J wrote: Thank you so much! my impossible wish came true! Posted: Jan/21 Mika wrote: I've made two wishes with this site. The result of the first wasn't entirely convincing, so to test everything out properly, my second was something almost completely impossible. I had nearly forgotten all about it until today when it came true exactly as I had requested. So it seems that as long as you believe literally anything is possible. Posted: Jan/21 madi wrote: OMG OMG wish came true!!!!!! my ex and i are back together!!!!!!! Posted: Jan/20 Kaitlyn wrote: Okay so I made my wish on 1/20/2015. 2+1+5=8 1+2+2+1+5=11 Is this a sign? I also made it at 1:57. 5+7=12-1=11 Is that a sign too? Posted: Jan/20 angela wrote: Can anyone tell me how to make a wish. PLZ Posted: Jan/19 Fiona wrote: Almost every time I look at the clock, I see a time related to 11, 8, or 18, the date of my wish making. Is this a sign? Posted: Jan/19 Syd wrote: I was on my laptop earlier and my head started to hurt. I looked up and my mouse was hovering over the bookmark I have for this site! Then I looked at the time and it was 7:08! :) Posted: Jan/19 Rupert wrote: Okay, listen. I think this has to do sth with the law of attraction, which means that it will happen if you believe. So, and I am saying this being sceptical, it is actually possible. The side effect with the 11s and 8s is creepy, but there. Looking on the Clock, 18:11. Well, interesting. And to everyone who is scared or sceptical: What do you have to lose? Posted: Jan/19 Girl Falls To The Beat wrote: How do u know ur wish came true,If u put it on a specfic date? Posted: Jan/18 Jamie wrote: I wished for it at 12:14 and 2+4+1+1=8 is this a sign? Posted: Jan/17 anon duh wrote: My wish actually came true, but be VERY specific! Okay, my wish is pretty much complete, it was to be "blonde, skinny, and beaitful. 1. I found a strand of blond hair in my black hait (see i wasnt specific) 2. This year, more guys do want me 3. I lost weight the next summer but almost became anorexic! :x, see be specific or the wish will be granted but in their own ways. Posted: Jan/17 Cody wrote: My wish came true Posted: Jan/16 Torri wrote: I so belive that my wish came true iam dating someone and i dont think iam confetable with them but it think i like my crush and that my wish came true there was a light when i came on this site that said it is done Posted: Jan/15 vivian wrote: OMG!!! holy 8888!!! my wish came true!!! HEY!! IF ANYONES IS READING THIS, MY WISH ACTUALLY CAME TRUEEEEEEE!!! im so happy!!!!!! :D Posted: Jan/15 nicole wrote: i always see no. 11and 8 everywhere is that a sign?......pls answer me.... Posted: Jan/12 nekoo wrote: since i made my wish i ve been having this really happy and good and positive feeling is that a sign? Posted: Jan/12 Amu wrote: i have to start over because i lost my 8 card :( Posted: Jan/12 Kenn wrote: OMG! So something that seemed impossible af happened to me.... I wished that I gain victorious on my court date.. OMG I didnt even have to see the judge.. Haha this website really works. Posted: Jan/11 Clint wrote: I just now know on the first day i made my wish, it was 8:10! is that a sign? Posted: Jan/11 Alyssa wrote: Really counting on my wish coming true Posted: Jan/11 Anonymous wrote: holly yes thats a sign your wish is coming ture. Posted: Jan/11 Anonymous wrote: last night i heard chruch bells ringing in my ear is that a sign my wish is coming true? Posted: Jan/11 holly wrote: I've just started this, but as i held up my 8 to the night sky, As the two minutes where up a huge gust of wind nearly blew away my card. Could this mean anything? Posted: Jan/11 Joe wrote: I just realized, it's 1 a.m. in the morning and the date it January 11th. THAT'S 11:11! IS THAT A SIGN! Posted: Jan/10 Lily wrote: I have started a new wish. The old wish was less likely to ever happen. Posted: Jan/10 ANON. wrote: I made my wish yesterday and then I was reading comments and i checked the time 1:58. 8. It's a sign!! Posted: Jan/10 Lily wrote: There are more eights everywhere. I looked on the ground in the locker room and it had a sticker with an 8 on it, and my name was on a math problem and said my shadow casted 8 inches. And the lottery mega # was 8 and i recieved it my mail at 11:18. This is... amazing. Posted: Jan/10 i cannot believe wrote: A year or two ago I used this and now I can occasionally control the weather. I make a signal with my hands and a day later (or maybe less) it's sunny or rainy. I was able to get out of GYM once because of this. So thanks! < Next Page 2 of 31 Previous > Currently, there are only 7843 wishes left. 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