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Posted: Nov/30

Dawn wrote:
I just got published!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
Posted: Nov/30

Jennifer wrote:
I found an apartment in NYC right after I made my wish. I was looking for about a year. Thank you. I just wished for something else.
Posted: Nov/30

Howie wrote:
I got my first union gig right after I made my wish and after the set I got a manager who's so far been pretty good at getting me more work. My wish was to cut my first album within a year and it looks like it's going to happen. Thanks in advance.
Posted: Nov/29

Josh wrote:
I passed my drug screen and there's no way I could have passed! How did you do it? Nevermind!!! You saved my life!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Nov/29

manga323 wrote:
I think my wish came true, right after I made my wish I totally forgot about it and went out to drop some movies off and on the way to the video store I got bashed from behind by a huge S.U.V. I was really88888ed about the whole deal at first but eventually I got a $12,895.68 settlement from their insurance company. My buddy owns a body shop and is going to fix my truck for what looks to be about $2,500. So if his estimate is right, that leaves me with exactly $10,395.68!! Every cent of that money is going straight into a college fund for my kids. The kicker is - Right before I got bashed by that SUV, I had just finished wishing to provide my kids with everything they need in life. Does this count? If so I guess my wish came true. Thank you! I hope it keeps coming true. I should also add that when I was getting my truck estimate I picked up the newspaper and my eyes went right to an ad for a job in the classifieds that pays about 8 bucks more per hour than I'm making now. I applied for the job and after a bunch of interviews I got it! I know that I would never have read that ad if I weren't stuck in that dealership because I never read the classifieds, I was just trying to pass the time. I just got through wishing for something else and I was MUCH MORE SPECIFIC this time!! Be specific is my new mantra! Actually, I'm kind of nervous. This is really scary. Anyway, thanks for the wishes - I wish there were more than 8,888 wishes. Can you wish for more wishes? If I ever found a genie in a bottle, that would be the first wish that I would wish for. Thanks again!
Posted: Nov/29

anonymous wrote:
My son he doesn't know to choose women and this last one she was the worst. I know from friends that she is a very bad woman and he wantid to marry her. I wish that he stop seeing her and he did. They got in argument about his job and he fed up and left her. My prayers are finally answered!
Posted: Nov/29

Amy wrote:
I wished to pass my exam and I did. It was multiple choice. I should have flunked it because I didn't study and I guessed on almost every question. It worked for me. Next time I'm going to wish for more important things like world peace.
Posted: Nov/30

anonymous wrote:
Who the hell are you guys?
Posted: Nov/30

Tim wrote:
I wished to NOT be ***. I want a normal life, I did not choose to like **** so much, its just not fair.
Posted: Nov/30

Tim wrote:
I wished for 20 Million Dollars so I could give a million to each of my family memebers and have enough left over to pay the taxes and live without financial worry, and be able to give money to the homeless people I see so often.
Posted: Dec/03

anonymous wrote:
Maybe there's nothing magical going on here. Maybe you think this is full of crap, or maybe you think I'm full of crap. But it's called the law of attraction and it works.
Posted: Dec/07

Dennis wrote:
Okay, three weeks ago, I wished for $1,000,000,000 (that's One Billion dollars) ha ha! Stupid wish, I know but I'm not a greedy guy, I was just frustrated about not having enough money and work. I was just frustrated, that's all. I never expected it to come true, I just wished it. Then last week, I received an email informing me that I had been accepted to host a new Archaeology Adventure tv show! They aren't paying me a billion dollars to host the show but if Oprah can make a billion dollars on tv, so can I?!?! I think this is my wish coming true! Thank you very much, whoever you are =)
Posted: Dec/17

Rose wrote:
I wish that I could win at least 10 million dollars.
Posted: Dec/29

Eric wrote:
I guess this the place to ask, did anything close to impossible happen yet to anyone?
Posted: Jan/03

april wrote:
my wish is to get $10 million dollars to get out of debt.been trying to find a way to do it but cant .please make my wish come true.i will be so happy if it really does.
Posted: Jan/25

jen t wrote:
being famous
Posted: Feb/06

yamin wrote:
I want my family and myself to be very rich and wealthy and heathy always.
Posted: Feb/08

kit wrote:
i want my wish to come true so bad i think its killing me
Posted: Feb/08

cassidy wrote:
im not done comming to the page for 8 days im certain that my wish is gonna come true im jjust scared its to immpossible
Posted: Feb/08

cass wrote:
i hope my wish comes true ive never wanted anything more than this and hearing everyones stories makes me more confident that its commin true!!!
Posted: Feb/08

titi wrote:
i hope my wish come true
Posted: Feb/18

fran wrote:
I wish for my loved ones safety, good health and to win milliions of dollars in the California Lottery within the next year so I can financialy support and help my family, favorite charity and be able to pay for my childs college education.
Posted: Feb/18

anonomous wrote:
maybe asking for money is what everbody wishes for but if it does'nt happen i won't be disappointed cause how ever it turns out thats how it supposed to be but when jesus comes ill have to wish no more and my mom will see hergrand child again god the only one that can make things come true because things have never come to me easily or any other way only good things happen for certain people in life but i thankful for what i do have but i pray god finds away for me to win a brand new fan wishing never hurts because there always might be that chance that its my turn now
Posted: Feb/19

Jovana wrote:
SO when is my wish gonna come true?
Posted: Feb/19

Jovana wrote:
hi erica, really!! what happend I need to know asap! :]
Posted: Feb/26

Franklin wrote:
i am sorry for what i did. never meant to be cheating.my computer messed up and I had to make another wish and im mostly sorry about making two wishes at the same time.For me this is one chance for things i desire and i dont at any time what to blow it. So please guys make this wish come true for me and some other wishes after this one is granted.I would really appreciate it thank you.
Posted: Feb/27

Andrea wrote:
I want nothing more to believe that my wish is going to come true and i think it will. it's been a week since i made that wish, and nothing has happened. i didn't wish for anything outlandish either. i just don't know how much longer i can wait
Posted: Mar/06

Jovana wrote:
Maybe it will come true. We just need to believe enough and the time will come.
Posted: Mar/13

Jovana wrote:
I think that my wish is acually coming true!! I cant believe it YAY ME!!!!
Posted: Mar/24

melody wrote:
i wish i could forget a man..and it did happen but in deep inside of me i knew it was lie..until he came back..i admit i want more than anything to be with him..my thoughts keeps me away of doing that..BUT MY HEART DOESNT AND NEVER WILL!
Posted: Mar/25

Carl wrote:
I am in the process of wishing, and as soon as I complete the process.We will see. Its an exciting journey. I've email blasted this site and wish to millions over and over. I also told a few friends. The wishes I am wishing for already have "Vision Mapps" Completed. I just can't wait to see what will happen. I've been in the media before,and I've helped alot of people..just not enough yet.
Posted: Mar/28

Cierra wrote:
I wished to be a handsome boy.I hope it comes true.Will it come true people?
Posted: Mar/28

Cierra wrote:
Ok,will this actually work?
Posted: Mar/28

jti wrote:
how many wishes can u make at once?
Posted: Mar/29

Cierra wrote:
Has anyone wished for my wish and do you guys think it will work and who is granting these wishes?
Posted: Mar/31

Kyle wrote:
you actually are doing it by helping it to happen, you see yourself getting or doing whatever it is that your wishing for, think positively about it and see yourself getting your wish often throughout the day. its the law of attraction. "thoughts become things" be it negative or positive,
Posted: Apr/05

Seth wrote:
i feel that my wish will come true i really hope im right
Posted: Apr/07

Cierra wrote:
I would love to be you eby.
Posted: Apr/09

Posted: Apr/09

eby wrote:
Posted: Apr/09

eby wrote:
if you want to contact me ebysweet@gmail.com
Posted: Apr/10

ANGELA wrote:
Posted: Apr/11

Damien Lee wrote:
I'd love some Golds.
Posted: Apr/12

Kier wrote:
I am not the founder of this website, just a person whom is happy and prove to have gotten my usual wish granted as this website stated, thank Miss Cierra! But it took long than the 8 days, it took 3 weeks!
Posted: Apr/12

Kier wrote:
1-I had always kept my wish in mine all the time, 2-I saw my wish happening in my mind daily, 3-always kept positive thoughts about my wish coming true patiently waiting 4-and then my wish came true exactly as I ask!

Posted: Apr/12

Kier wrote:
My can only state that my granted wish had been very Extraordinary and Unusual! Proven Wish Results Here! :) Thank U!
Posted: Apr/21

Jovana wrote:
we selena
Posted: Apr/23

Cierra wrote:
Me and Eby have worked something about our wishes,Jacob.
Posted: Apr/27

Melissa wrote:
I think my wish really is starting to come true. This site is real, I swear.
Posted: May/01

jacob wrote:
you mean your wish actually came true cierra?
Posted: May/12

Dee wrote:
I wished for my baby to come back to me, iv 4more days to see
Posted: May/15

Deirdre wrote:
One more day. except hes gone away so i dont know if itl come true. i hope it does. im so miserable
Posted: May/15

Denise Casanova wrote:
I only got 4 more days till my wish can come TRUE!!and I got alot of confidence in myself and this wish.I've always wanted this wish since I was 8 years old because I hated people making fun of ME!!!!but now since I'm 12 it is going to come true(which I am really really really really really very very very very happy about this week.
Posted: May/16

Denise Casanova wrote:
You know I still have 3 more days left till my wish can come true.I'm just so excited About Friday 'cause It's the day that my wish is going to come true.Something special is going to happen to me and all of my friends are going to be surprise.I invented thid band called "The Weirdoz" with a z.And I'M GOING 2 B THE LEAD SINGER!!!
Posted: May/17

dee wrote:
still waiting. please let it come true
Posted: May/17

Denise Casanova wrote:
Right now I'm sick(stuffy nose and cough)today I didn't go to school because I'm sick I just hope that I get better because tomorrow is Friday the day my wish comes true and I just can't wait.I'm going to wear my Aly and Aj T-Shirt(lucky charm)!!!!!
Posted: May/20

Anna wrote:
My wish came true but it took a little more than 8 days.
Posted: May/23

lisa wrote:
i really ish that my wishes will come true....
Posted: May/23

Denise Casanova wrote:
Hey website I'm counting on you!!
Posted: May/24

Denise Casanova wrote:
Hey web site my wish just has to come because my play of the "TheWonderful Wizard of Oz" is almost coming up and I really need this wish to come true. P.S PLEASE!!!!
Posted: May/28

Denise Casanova wrote:
PLEASE!!website I really really do need this wish to come true because I'm doing it for my mother.Make my wish come so the other writers CAN believe you.
Posted: May/29

Denise Casanova wrote:
Right now I'm in school and I'm checking out this website for my wish to come true and I really really really do need this wish to come true to make my mother proud.
Posted: Jun/02

anonymous wrote:
This is VERY real, im shocked to know how real this really is
Posted: Jun/08

Brian wrote:
Wow, whatever's going on here, it's 8888ing real!!!! I can't believe it.
Posted: Jun/22

emily treat age 16 wrote:
i wished for the biggest wish in my life...i wished that my hair would grow back before my big family trip in july...i have alopecia a hair loss thing and i lost all my hair...this would be a true wish come true for me
Posted: Jun/23

petra wrote:
omg this site is amazing
Posted: Jun/28

jenna wrote:
i wish that trevor will ask me back out and we can be together forever
Posted: Jun/28

jenna wrote:
my wish betta come true
Posted: Jul/04

Jasmyne wrote:
I want to be a baby again and my mama to be 18 Iwant to be 1 week old and I wish I we will stay our age and nobody will old and when I wake up I will be a Baby
Posted: Jul/05

Erin wrote:
I wished that my wallet would never be empty of money and i think it relly came true. I'm not being reckless or anything but I have been spending normally, I am still careful but I always seem to have a comfortable amount of bills in my wallet. I even printed out the number 8 and put it in the wallet. I always make sure the number 8 is inbetween the bills at all times. I haven't told anybody about this except for this posting, this is my secret and nobody knows! THANK YOU!
Posted: Jul/06

d wrote:
i think my first wish came true or is coming true.. i hope the second will folllow soon
Posted: Jul/06

Lana wrote:
I want to make a wish... But my mom is afraid it won't work. I would do it, but I'm not allowed. I just want a lot of money so my mom won't have to work so hard and my dad can get the medical help he needs. But I can't make a wish...
Posted: Jul/06

Lana wrote:
Hey Jasmyne, if your wish comes true, have your mother tell us on the site.
Posted: Jul/06

Mark wrote:
I'll be damned, but it really worked. I got just what I wished for! Thanks a lot!
Posted: Jul/06

Anonymous wrote:
I accidentally skipped a day of my wish. And now it won't come true. I wanted to do it again :(
Posted: Jul/07

Karen wrote:
This site is a load of bull8888. There's no way that the person running this site could grant the wish of anyone. I bet the testimonials are all done by the same person and it's a scam.
Posted: Jul/08

c wrote:
To Karen, I made 4 wishes and so far 3 have come true! The 4th one I just made last week so I hope it is just a matter of time and my testmonial is not fake and think about it -- neither is yours! I'm making as many wishes as I can.
Posted: Jul/08

jame$ wrote:
this site pwns
Posted: Jul/11

Melissa wrote:
It 8888ing came true, I swear to christ it came true! IM GETTING MYJOB! And oh my god, I really think the other half will be comeing true for me, too! I just gotta wait!
Posted: Jul/15

gracie wrote:
i wished these because i kept on begging and sh alright.
Posted: Jul/26

Sandy wrote:
I wish for Christmas "gift cards" for my son.I have to start now or he will not have 'anything' for Christmas.He will be 12 and he is not into toys and such.(video games,music-something you cannot just pick out.LOL!) I am a disabled single(divorced) mom.So my income is not enough for any extras.
Posted: Jul/26

brianna gilson wrote:
im not sure yet.but i belive my impossible wish will come true.but even if a wish is impossible it's not.nothing is impossible.my wish is pretty cool.but i cant tell you or it wont come true.6 more days and hope might come.
Posted: Jul/27

I wished I could fly. Of course I was extremely more specific, but if this works I will personally fly to the founder if I figure out where he/she lives and thank him! Let's just hope I remember to go here every day. My schedule is busy.
Posted: Jul/27

I just read my website page carefully and I relized something important!!! For those who missed a day do not be dissapointed cause your wish can still come true. It says to visit the site 8 day in a row, not exactly meaning from the day you make your wish. If you missed a day simply try coming here for eight days in a row again.
Posted: Jul/28

dan wrote:
I wished that I would become a red Pern dragon but I forgot to check my page on the 6th day and it didn't come true lol. I suppose if I really wanted this wish, I would have done everything in my power to make sure I didn't forget but I did and maybe this site actually protected me from a dumb wish that I might have regretted lol. Now I realize that I really don't want to be a red Pern dragon even though it had always been a wish of mine since I was a little boy. And you know what's crazy? I actually was a little scared that it would come true! I'm glad I fforgot to check my page!!!! I know I would have kept checcking just out of boredom if I remembered it AND NOW I'D BE A RED PERN DRAGON WTF!? lmao I learned a lesson, we should all be careful what we wish for! This site is like that old TV show Fantasy Island or the Outer Limits or Twilight Zone or something lol.
Posted: Jul/28

I'm nervous about my wish. I mean, I can't imagine just suddenly having what I want. It's not that I'm scared that my wish will come true. I'm scared I would be hoping for something that goes against the laws of the cosmos. But I guess that's what wishes are.
Posted: Jul/29

cc wrote:
I just made my wish.I really really really really really really really really want it to come true.Has any of you guy's wishes come true?
Posted: Jul/31

Yelena wrote:
My wish came true! On the 4th day, things started appearing in my life that guided me toward my wish and as every day passed, more and more things would appear! This site is so amazing! For me, things started appearing on the 4th day or maybe they were appearing on the first day but they were so small that I didn't notice them. But the signs and guidance grew stronger with each day! I tried several wishes on this site but failed because I'd forget to check my page. You really have to keep checking your wish page!
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katie wrote:
"wow thank you sooo much to whoever made this. my wish came true in the matter of minutes!! :D most amazing night ever!

The Faithful wrote:
"This website really really works, and I just wanted to say, thank you, real-wishes.com. You have put to rest a worry that had been plaguing my mind for ages and I'm so happy to be relieved of that anxiety.

leila atchison wrote:

M wrote:
"Thank yo so much! My wish wasn't crazy and huge but it was something that seemed like it was never going to happen until I got help from this site. I know it sounds crazy but this site really does work. Thank you! thank you! thank you!

jnl138 wrote:
"Hey This site really works I made a wish on here today and it already came true now I have the girl of my dreams ******** THANKS POWER OF 8!

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