~  8 , 8 8 8  R e a l  W i s h e s  ~
Currently there are 233 people making wishes.

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real spells
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~ make a real wish - they are real wishes - be careful what you wish for and be specific ~
~ if your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme ~
1  Type in your wish - be specific, thoughtful and very careful what you wish for - these are real wishes - the more details you provide, the better.  When you are done, hit "Submit Wish".

2  After you submit your wish, you will immediately be directed to your very own and unique "Wish Page" - bookmark your "Wish Page".

3  Visit your bookmarked "Wish Page" at least once a day for 8 days in a row AND YOUR WISH WILL COME TRUE
Also Recommended:
Email 8 people you know about this site. 
"My wish came true and it came true right after i finished emailing 8 people about the site."  A'isha
Always Remember:
Once your wish is made, be sure not to tell anyone what you wished for until after it comes true.  Talking and discussing about a wish in progress can disturb it's energy and break the spell.  After your wish comes true, it is perfectly safe to talk about it.
Currently, there are only 7843 wishes left.
What People Are Saying:
Reidun wrote:
"Yippi!! My wish came true. I wished for a job, and I got the job I wanted.Thank You so much!!

Lauren wrote:
"I wished that I would win tickets to a concert I really wanted to see. 15 minutes later, sure enough, I got 'em! Also, a lot of other great things happened that day, too. I swear it was the best day ever! I've been loyal to this site for 2 years and I'm so glad I have a place to go! Thank you so much,!

jayden-wilson wrote:
"OMFG!!! my wish so came true and its so cool im in love with this site!!!! whoever made this site your genius =D

Jenny wrote:
"I'm happy! My wish came true!

stefania wrote:
"last year i happened to stumble upon this.. and i wished for something i thought would be utterly impossible to happen, however, it happened and once it did i was in shock! this is amazing and i want to thank you SO much!

Read More Testimonials

Did Your Wish Come True?  Share Your Story!

~ FAQ ~
1.  Are these real wishes?
2.  How many is one allowed to make?
3.  How many wishes are left? 
4.  The "number of wishes left" didn't change after I made my wish.  Why is that? 
5.  I think my wish is impossible.  Can you still grant my wish? 
6.  I'm afraid to make a wish.  Are you using Satanic powers to grant wishes?
7.  Why do I have to visit a Wish Page for 8 days before granting my wish?
8.  I think my Wish Page is stuck on a day. 
9.  I checked my page every day but the page says I didn't.  Why is it saying this?
10.  Is it okay to visit my Wish Page more than once per day?
11.  Can I retract a wish?
12.  What do I need to do to make my wish come true? 
13.  Why 8,888 wishes and not some other number?
14.  What is the significance of 11:11?
15.  Are wishes kept confidential?

16.  Can my wish page show up on google?

~ Answers ~
1.  They are real wishes: Testimonials.
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2.  As many as you feel necessary. 
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3.  At this moment, there are only 7843 wishes left.
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4.  The number of wishes left does not go down when the wish is made, it goes down after the wish is completely granted.  Presently, there are 7843 wishes left, therefore 1045 is the number of wishes that have been granted thus far.
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5.  No wish is impossible.  Everything under the sun can and eventually will happen.  If your wish is sincere, it is highly likely that your wish will come true.
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6.  Satanic powers or any other dark art is not being used to grant wishes.
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7.  Committing 8 days of intent toward your wish not only creates a large footprint of intent over an extended period of time but doing so also has numerological implications that reinforce the strength, intensification and multiplication of your wish - learn more about numerology and the power of Eight.
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8.  Your Wish Page is not stuck on a day.  Allow at least 24 hours for your Wish Page to change.
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9.  The method used to inform whether or not a Wish Page has been visited is determined by a well tested mathematical computer script.  In other words, if it's saying you skipped a day, you really did skip a day.  The best way to avoid this scenario is to check your Wish Page several times a day or you can set your browser's "Home page" to your Wish Page for the next 8 days just to be safe.
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10.  Yes. The more you visit your Wish Page, the more energy you bring to your wish.
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11.  Wishes can be retracted and as always, be careful what you wish for.  To retract a wish, make an additional wish that is the exact opposite of the initial wish.
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12.  Click here.
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13.  Granting only 8,888 wishes benefits all because it reinforces the strength, intensification and multiplication of the wishes - learn more about numerology and the power of Eight.
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14.  Click here to read about the significance of 11:11
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15.  Yes, all wishes are kept confidential.  If you are concerned about others viewing your Wish Page, take the following steps to protect your privacy: Copy and Paste the entire URL of your Wish Page into an email and send it to yourself.  Afterwards, use that email as the "bookmark" to your Wish Page.  Be sure to also delete all bookmarks/favorites of your Wish Page, delete your Browser History after each visit and never share your wish page links on social media websites (email is safe because google does not index emails).
~ back to FAQ ~

16.  Never share your wish page links on social media websites (email is safe because google does not index emails).  If one of your wish pages shows up on google, click on the google link and you will see the page where the link was shared. Deleting this public link will also delete them from google. It may take a few hours for google to reflect that deletion but it does the trick.
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~ make real wishes - make your wish come true - all wishes come true ~
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~  8 , 8 8 8  R e a l  W i s h e s  ~
~ Eight-Thousand Eight-Hundred and Eighty-Eight Real Wishes Granted ~
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